Page 13 - Eagle's Landing GC Report 10 14 2020_Neat
P. 13


                                             Estimated Construction Costs
          While the Eagle’s Landing Golf Course improvement scope is not yet firmly defined, estimated con-
          struction cost ranges of the proposed improvements are included below to aid in your upcoming
          planning process:

                                                                          Low Range             High Range
          Entry Sign Plantings                                            $3,000                $5,000
          Fairways, Turf Expansions (in-house labor):                     $0                    $0
          Fairways, Selective Drainage:                                   $40,000               $75,000
          Fairways, Bermudagrass Turf Conversion (sprigging):             $100,000              $135,000
          Fairways: Practice Facilities Formal Lawn:                      $15,000               $20,000
          Tees, Exterior Slope Softening:                                 $15,000               $30,000
          Tees: Selective Improvements for Playability                    $50,000               $100,000
          Greens, Topdressing Sills (in-house labor):                     $0                    $0
          Greens, “Smile Drains”:                                         $15,000               $25,000
          Waste Bunkers:                                                  $20,000               $50,000
          Bunkers, Comprehensive Reno. w/Recontouring/Liner:              $1,050,000            $1,225,000
          Holes #10, #17, #18 Flooding Remediation:                       $525,000              $650,000
          Holes #7 & #8 Flooding Remediation:                             $650,000              $800,000

                                                            Range:        $2,483,000            $3,115,000

                                            Potential Construction Phasing

          The Town  of  Ocean  City  may  consider  a  two  phase  approach  to  the  contracted improvements.
          The first phase includes the bunker renovation in conjunction with potential tee and waste bunker
          improvements.  This work can be completed as the detailed design, engineering, and permitting
          process is moving forward for the larger flooding remediation projects.  The second phase would
          included the flooding remediation improvements.

                                                     Future Planning

          McDonald Design Group, Inc. would be pleased to continue with the planning process for Eagle's
          Landing Golf Course.    If requested, we can provide previous planning examples and create a de-
          tailed proposal outlining these efforts.  For your initial planning purposes, a brief outline of our an-
          ticipated design fees are as follows:

                                                                          Fees                  Timeline
          Master Plan Design Phase:                                       $20,000               8 Weeks
          Detailed Construction Docs for Flooding Remediation:            $15,000               8 Weeks

          Please note that a large portion of McDonald Design Group’s efforts will include meetings and co-
          ordination with golf course staff, engineers, and Ocean City officials to ensure the documents cre-
          ated reflect the vision and expectations of The Town of Ocean City.

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