Page 8 - Eagle's Landing GC Report 10 14 2020_Neat
P. 8

Salt Water Turf Damage “At The Edges”

          There are a handful of golf holes that have rough areas routinely scarred from salt water intrusion due to
          flooding.  There is no quick and easy turfgrass fix, as simply filling these isolated areas will negatively affect
          surface drainage conditions further inland.  Converting these areas to sandy waste bunkers will eliminate
          the need to grow turf in these vulnerable locations and will enhance the appearance and character of the
          golf course as well.
          Please note that these waste bunkers are not necessarily “maintenance free”.  They do require some peri-
          odic lightening by topdressing additional sand following a large flood event.  However, these waste areas
          will greatly reduce the amount of damaged turf across the property all while creating a more refined and
          memorable golf course.
          The timing of incorporating this improvement strategy is ideal, as the sand removed from the  potential up-
          coming bunker renovation can be cost effectively re-used by installing it within these periphery waste bunker

                                                                                                          Hole #18:
                                                                                         Waste Bunker Opportunity

                                                           Salt Damage

                                                                Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club (Dagsboro, DE)
                                                                                     Similar Waste Bunker Solution

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