Page 10 - Eagle's Landing GC Report 10 14 2020_Neat
P. 10


          In addition to the smaller salt water damaged areas mentioned previously, there are specific golf
          course zones that are prone to flooding that dramatically impact  the playability and accessibility of
          the golf course.  In fact, flooding completely closes entire sections of the facility.
          The  severity  and  frequency  of  these  events  appear  to  be  steadily  increasing,  so  these  issues
          should be identified and addressed as a priority within a comprehensive  golf course master plan-
          ning document. The planning document should also include a preliminary permitting assessment
          (consulting with Ocean City’s Engineer and perhaps County Officials) regarding potential regulatory
          hurdles involved with improving these flood prone areas.

          Typical golf course drainage (as outlined earlier) will not work as effectively in this flooding situa-
          tion.  Drainage pipes and typical drainage grading will not prevent flooding and may actually trap
          flooding water inland increasing the severity of the turfgrass salt damage problem.  Instead, raising
          the in-play areas with fill soil will properly address this issue.  Please note that filling these areas
          will not be inexpensive, as it requires related work to the golf features, irrigation, and re-grassing;
          but it is the permanent fix that is required for this substantial issue.

         There are two specific flooding areas further identified. Each zone has its own (although preliminary)
         strategy for improvement:

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