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Section 1    SIGNED STATEMENT.                                                              4
                  Section 2    ORGANISATION                                                                   5

                    2.1    Organogram                                                                         5
                    2.2    General Duties                                                                     5
                       2.2.1   Managing Director                                                              5
                       2.2.2   Senior Operations Managers and Operations Managers                             6
                       2.2.3   Site supervisors                                                               6
                       2.2.4   All Employees                                                                  6
                       2.2.5   Health and Safety Advisor (External)                                           7
                    2.3    Specific Duties                                                                    8

                  Section 3    MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS                                                       10
                    3.1    Health and Safety Policy                                                          10
                    3.2    Risk Assessment                                                                   11
                    3.3    Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigating                                     12
                    3.4    Legal Compliance/ Liaison with Enforcing authorities (HSE)                        13
                    3.5    Competent Advice for Health and Safety Matters                                    13
                    3.6    Roles and Responsibilities                                                        14
                    3.7    Training, awareness and competence.                                               14
                    3.8    Improvement Programs – Objectives and Targets                                     15
                    3.9    Consultation with the workforce.                                                  15
                    3.10     Operational Controls                                                            17
                    3.11     Documents and Document Control                                                  17
                    3.12     Records and Record Control                                                      17
                    3.13     Emergency Preparedness and Response.                                            18
                    3.14     Inspections and Audits                                                          18
                    3.15     Contractor and Subcontractor Management                                         19

                  Section 4    OPERATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS                                                      20
                    4.1    Asbestos Containing Material                                                      20

                       4.1.1   Asbestos in company buildings                                                 20
                    4.2    Hazardous Substances and Chemical Safety                                          21
                    4.3    Dealing with bodily fluids and contaminated materials.                            22
                    4.4    Electrical Equipment                                                              23
                    4.5    Fire Precautions and Site Evacuation                                              24
                    4.6    First Aid Management                                                              25
                    4.7    Ladder safety.                                                                    26
                    4.8    Manual Handling.                                                                  27
                    4.9    Personal Protective Equipment.                                                    28
                    4.10     Welfare Provision.                                                              29
                    4.11     Work Equipment                                                                  30
                  Section 5    Appendices                                                                    31

                    5.1    Record of Policy Revision.                                                        31
                    5.2    Annual Health and Safety Support Package.                                         32

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