Page 8 - Health and safety
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2.3 Specific Duties
Workplace Risk Assessment
Method statements and Risk Assessments are prepared by the Managing Director.
Specialist assessment e.g. CoSHH and Manual handling will be prepared by the Managing
Director (supported by the health and safety advisor on request)
Accident and Incident Management
Site supervisors will record all accidents in the accident book and initiate an accident
The managing director and operations managers will complete the accident investigation and
develop an improvement plan.
The health and safety advisor will support this process for serious incidents when requested.
The health and safety advisor will deal with all mandatory reporting processes under RIDDOR
and maintaining records.
The managing director will maintain records and statistics.
Emergency Arrangements
The managing director will prepare emergency plans for headquarters and work sites.
Site supervisors and operations managers are responsible for ensuring emergency plans are
followed on client sites.
The managing director should monitor clients’ arrangements with respect to site emergency
Information, instruction and training
The managing director will identify and arrange appropriate training programs and maintain a
training matrix and an annual training plan.
The operations managers will provide all necessary briefings and communications to ensure
that all employees work safely e.g. tool box talks.
The managing director produces a regular newsletter and shares information on health and
safety via social media outlets including Facebook.
The health and safety advisor will provide training where appropriate and advice on training
Document Health and Safety Policy 2020 Page | 8