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3.3  Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigating

         Although the business manages all aspects of work with the intention of ensuring the health,
         safety and welfare of all staff and non-employees it recognises that on occasions injury, damage
         and near miss events can occur. The business takes seriously all such incidents. All employees,
         managers and contractors are required to report ALL incidents and concerns to allow for robust
         investigations to take place and to identify improvements in existing arrangements. The key
         points to the policy for responding to accidents are:-
         •     All employees are instructed and required to report any work related adverse event, no
         matter how serious, to allow for action to be taken. This includes events affecting non-
         employees (e.g. members of the public, other client workers)
         •     All accidents resulting in personal injury will be treated by a first aider and a record,
         including. the injured persons details and account of the event, will be made in an accident
         •     Following all incidents staff are instructed not to disturb the scene of the occurrence so
         that evidence and information about the circumstances of the incident can be studied
         •     A robust investigation will be undertaken by company managers (including where
         appropriate interviewing witnesses) and a report filed concerning the findings of the
         •     Where appropriate preventative and improvement actions can be identified a plan will be
         made and the improvements implemented.
         •     All staff will be briefed on the findings of the investigation and the nature of the
         improvement program planned.
         •     All accidents will be reported to the company safety advisor at the earliest opportunity
         who will advise on the necessary steps to take in the investigation (the company safety advisor
         will (where practicable) support all serious injury/damage incident inquiries and on request any
         minor injury/damage inquiries).
         •     The company safety advisor will be informed if an employee is absent from normal duties
         due to a work-related accident
         •     The company safety advisor is considered the ‘responsible person’ in respect of RIDDOR
         regulations 2013 and they will advise if the circumstances of an incident require a report to be
         made to the Health and Safety Executive under these requirements. In this case the company
         safety advisor will liaise with the company managers before filing the necessary report on line
         via the HSE website. A record of the RIDDOR submission will be maintained in company records.
         •     A statistical table of all adverse incidents will be maintained to allow monitoring of
         incidents by number and nature and to allow improvements to deal with any apparent trends.
         (Remark this table includes ‘over 3 day lost time accidents’ in line with RIDDOR requirements)

         Relevant Legislation:-

         Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013
         Relevant Guidance:-

         INDG 453 Reporting Accidents and Incidents at Work

         HSG 245 Investigating Accidents and Incidents

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