Page 10 - Health and safety
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         3.1  Health and Safety Policy

         The business prepares a health and safety policy to describe its’ objectives for health and safety
         management  and  its’  methods  for  ensuring  so  far  as  reasonably  practicable  the  safety  of
         employees and all persons affected by the business operations.

         The policy consists of the following elements:-
         •  Policy statement of intent (signed)
         •  Roles and Responsibilities document
         •  Operational Arrangements
         •  Management Arrangements (this document).

         The policy statement is signed by the business owner.
         The policy document is reviewed and updated as required when changes in the business or legal
         requirements demand.

         A management review will take place once a year and will include advice from the company
         safety advisor.
         The Policy statement will be signed and updated following each policy review.

         The full policy document is available on the company computers and in a paper copy within the
         headquarters offices.
         The policy statement is bought to the attention of the workforce by briefing on induction and
         periodically when the policy changes.

         The company post a copy of the Health and Safety Law Poster on the company headquarters
         safety notice board.

         Relevant Legislation:-
         Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - section 2.3

         Relevant Guidance:-

         INDG 324 – Stating your Business

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