Page 17 - Health and safety
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3.10 Operational Controls
The business establishes operational controls (Method statements) to ensure that all workplace
activities are carried out with the minimum of risk to the workforce.
For specific projects, these operational controls will be documented in a Method Statement that
will be briefed to all employees prior to starting the project.
Where operational controls are complex or risk factors high a written procedure will be prepared
and all relevant employees will be trained and authorised to carry out the procedure.
Written procedures will be reviewed and revised as required following feedback from employees as
to the effectiveness of the procedures.
3.11 Documents and Document Control
Where policy, procedures and instructions need to be written down documents will be controlled
to ensure that the latest current version is being used.
The business operates an ISO 9001 compliant Quality Management System and all health and safety
documentation is managed within the same scope.
3.12 Records and Record Control
Record keeping is an important part of managing the health and safety of the business. Records
• evidence that legal responsibilities are being discharged (e.g. lifting equipment inspections).
• important data about equipment performance (e.g. machine hours operated)
• provide evidence that routine activities are being carried out (e.g. floor cleaning equipment)
The business operates an ISO 9001 compliant Quality Management System and all health and safety
records and record retention are managed within the same scope.
Document Health and Safety Policy 2020 Page | 17