Page 22 - Health and safety
P. 22
4.3 Dealing with bodily fluids and contaminated materials.
It can be expected that employees will occasionally be required to handle materials contaminated
with bodily fluids and may be hazardous to their health. This is not normally part of routine activities
but the company recognises that it is a foreseeable event and have implemented key safe
behaviours for all workers that are communicated to all staff.
Body fluids are a source of infectious micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses and fungi). The main risk is
infection following hand to mouth/nose/eye contact. There is also a risk of infection via broken skin
(cuts or scratches).
Examples of materials that may be encountered:-
• Human waste materials e.g. faeces, vomit, blood, urine, semen
• Discarded items e.g. soiled nappies, condoms, catheters, needles.
All reasonable measures will be undertaken to avoid or to minimise exposure to such materials and
substances. Where exposure cannot be avoided the following measures will be applied:-
• Members of the public will be kept clear of the area so far as is practicable.
• No materials will be handled without protective gloves and protective aprons.
• Contaminated floor areas will be thoroughly sluiced with a strong disinfectant material allowing
sufficient contact time to kill any bacteria/virus remaining.
• Water based waste will be disposed of via the nearest toilet avoiding slopping of the bucket.
• Needles and other sharps will only be handled by trained personnel equipped with suitable
protective gloves and disposal facilities.
• Solid waste materials will be disposed of to waste bags – double bagged where required. This
may include cleaning materials e.g. mop heads and contaminated clothing
• Hands will be thoroughly washed after any clean up exercise.
Relevant Legislation:-
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
Relevant Guidance:-
L5 - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
OCE 23 – Cleaning up body fluids
Document Health and Safety Policy 2020 Page | 22