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4.1 Asbestos Containing Material
The majority of company works is carried out at clients’ sites.
The office facility is rented and as such the duty to manage asbestos in the building is carried out by
the landlord. Reasonably practicable checks have been made to verify that the office is free of
Asbestos Containing Materials by requesting a copy of the Asbestos Site Survey from the landlord.
At the commencement of any new contract steps are taken to verify that the client has carried out
an asbestos Management Survey as required by the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and that
an upto date asbestos register is held. This allows a check to ensure that the scope of the contract
will not involve any cleaning or supervisory staff being exposed to Asbestos Containing Material
(ACM) during their duties.
In some cases, a client will require the fixing of soap dispensers, toilet roll holders and similar small
items. As this kind of work may expose the operatives to ACM the company’s representative will be
required to consult the client’s asbestos register to confirm that the area is free from ACM prior to
any kind of work started.
Most ACM registers allow contractors to sign and date to demonstrate when they have consulted
and relevant members of staff will so this when necessary.
Remark: this kind of work will be carried out by senior members of staff
In the highly unlikely event that the fixings will penetrate ACM the client will be required to arrange
for the work to be carried out by qualified personnel. To further ensure that no member of the
workforce is exposed to ACM from this kind of activity any person required to drill holes for fixing is
required to undertake an asbestos awareness training course.
4.1.1 Asbestos in company buildings
The company HQ is based in rented property (single office) and rely on information from the
landlord as to whether asbestos is present in the office. Information from the landlord confirms that
the working area is free of any asbestos containing materials.
Relevant Legislation:-
L143 – Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
Relevant Guidance:-
HSG210 – Asbestos Essentials
Document Health and Safety Policy 2020 Page | 20