Page 18 - Health and safety
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3.13  Emergency Preparedness and Response.

       As  well  as  routine  and  planned  works  the  business  considers  the  health  and  safety  impact  of
       emergency situations and where practicable implements steps to minimise the likelihood of an
       emergency arising and then mitigating the effect by responding to the emergency.

       Examples of foreseeable emergencies are:-

       •  fire and explosion
       •  injury accident
       •  chemical spillages
       •  flooding
       •  adverse weather – wind/rain/storm
       Each site has a review of emergency procedures before taking on a contract and all staff are fully
       informed of the emergency procedures upon induction.
       All staff will follow the client emergency evacuation procedures including drills and the company
       will action any improvement items identified by the client.

       The business arranges with host clients for the provision of first aid facilities. All staff are briefed of
       these arrangements on induction. Special arrangements will be made for situations where first aid
       facilities are not readily available.

       Relevant Legislation:-

       Management of Health and Safety at Work Regs 1999 - regulation 8
       Relevant Guidance:-

       L21 – The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regs

       3.14  Inspections and Audits

       The business recognises that although it’s activities are focussed on safe and healthy activities there
       are occasions when arrangements may not be sustained and improvements are required.

       Regular formal inspection/periodic auditing are tools in verifying that health and safety controls are
       being carried out, are effective at keeping people safe and meeting the legal requirements.

       Records are kept following inspections and audits.
       Issued highlighted on inspections and audits are actioned including being added to the improvement
       program if required.

       Examples of inspections carried out by employees:-

       •  Vehicle safety check – weekly
       •  Workplace inspections
       •  Site inspections

       Examples of inspections carried out by specialists

       •  Portable Appliance Testing
       •  Vehicle MOT/service
       As well as formal recorded inspections all employees are required to inspect work equipment prior
       to every use and to report/reject damaged equipment.

       Document Health and Safety Policy 2020                                           Page | 18
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