Page 21 - Health and safety
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4.2  Hazardous Substances and Chemical Safety

                  It can be expected that employees will be required to handle materials that may be hazardous to
                  their  health  as  part  of  their  routine  activities.  The  company  strives  to  provide  environmentally
                  friendly and low hazard chemicals for cleaning to minimise the risks involved.

                  Examples of substances likely to be used include:-

                  •   General hard surface cleaning materials.
                  •   Detergents
                  •   Polishes

                  All  reasonable  measures  will  be  undertaken  to  avoid  or  to  minimise  exposure  to  hazardous
                  substances. Where exposure cannot be avoided the following measures will be applied:-

                   •  All works involving hazardous substances will be risk assessed prior to work commencement.
                      A single CoSHH risk assessment record for all materials used in the business is provided for all
                      staff and they are briefed during induction.
                   •  An appropriate safe system of work will be developed including methods of use, requirements
                      for appropriate Personal Protective Equipment, storage of substances and where appropriate
                      disposal of hazardous substances.
                   •  All employees will receive appropriate training concerning hazardous substance handling risks
                      and essential precautions.
                   •  When practicable work areas will be ventilated to avoid build-up of hazardous vapours.
                   •  Where identified by risk assessment appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (and in
                      specialist circumstances Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) ) will be provided.
                   •  All employees are instructed to report any defective equipment (Including PPE/RPE) and to
                      remove it from service for appropriate disposal or (if relevant) repair.
                   •  Employees are required to report any ill health conditions that may have been caused by work
                      related exposure to substances. e.g. dermatitis
                   •  Employees are required to report any existing health conditions that may be affected by work
                      related exposure to hazardous substances e.g. asthma
                   •  Hazardous substances are stored (so far as practicable with consideration to the client site) in
                      locked cabinets to prevent exposure of client staff and to minimise the risk of pilfering.
                   •  Hazardous substances will NEVER be left unattended where client staff (including children)
                      can access materials.

                  Remark: ECCS is a ‘bleach free’ company and will not use any bleach based products

                  Relevant Legislation:-
                  Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

                  Relevant Guidance:-
                  L5 - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

                  INDG 136 – Working with Substances Hazardous to Health

                  Document Health and Safety Policy 2020                                           Page | 21
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