Page 4 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 4


                          Utilising Interaction Design                                                                It is important to understand the different types of air

                                                                                                                      travel stressors and their causes to design a solution
                          principles to improve the

                                                                                                                      which caters to them. At present, there is limited
                          air travel experience for                                                                   research         on      the      physical,        emotional          and

                                                                                                                      psychological responses air travellers have to the
                          inexperienced travellers.                                                                   problems they face during their air travel process.

                          Air travel industry is growing with the number of                                           This project aims to discover and understand, through

                          people who prefer air travel as their primary means of                                      qualitative  and  quantitative methods,  the  different

                          international  travel.  It  is  also  found  that  these  air                               interaction        points,     pain      and       pleasure        points

                          travellers experience significant levels of air travel                                      corresponding to these interactions, how these factors

                          stress which leads to an undesireable air travel                                            influence air travel plans, existing attempts at solving

                          experience  for  them. Inexperienced  air  travellers                                       any of the air travel stressors to create an interactive

                          consisting of new and beginner travellers are the most                                      design solution that improves the air travel experience

                          affected by these stressors.                                                                for inexperienced travellers.

                Research & Design Project                                                                                                                                                                    AirAlign
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