Page 7 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 7


                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ch 01
                     Project Background

                                                                                                                            There are several factors leading to travellers feeling stressed during

                                                                                                                            their air travel journey. It can be decisions related to the flight, plane,

                                                                                                                            or seat they have chosen, if they have packed their bags properly

                                                                                                                            and sufficiently play a vital role as well (Peterson and Doyle, 2020).

                                                                                                                            Some articles have explored and discussed booking, packing,

                                                                                                                            security, customs, technology safety, jetlag and receipt tracking as

                                                                                                                            crucial factors contributing to flight stress (Waisberg, 2012)

                                                      (, 2024)

                     Air travel has been around for a century now. The birth of                                             It  is  acknowledged  that  published  literature  on  psychological

                     commercial air travel dates to January 1, 1914, when the world’s first                                 aspects of air travel is rarely available and existing one is scattered

                     scheduled passenger airline, St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat Line,                                        across different specialist categories. Despite that, it has also been

                     was started (Reilly, 1996). The means of travel have only improved                                     identified that the overall problems air travellers face are similar (Bor,

                     with  increased interest  in air travel. The  number  of global air                                    2017). This informs us that there could be a pattern which can be

                     passengers was over 3.7 billion in 2017 with predicted growth over                                     researched to form a solution that can improve the air travel

                     the years (Becken and Carmignani, 2020). While there is an                                             experience for inexperienced travellers.

                     increase in the number of people travelling due to several reasons

                     such as tourism, business, self-development and visiting friends or                                    This research and design project aims to use an interaction design

                     family (Gössling et al., 2019), it is also observed that most travellers                               research methodology to explore, identify and understand the

                     experience some degree  of stress  around  air  travel for  varying                                    pattern of undesirable interactions and analyse the results to design

                     reasons (Bor, 2017).                                                                                   a solution that improves inexperienced air travellers’ experience.

                     Research & Design Project | Project Introduction
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