Page 11 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 11


                     Double-Diamond Design Process Timeline                                                                                                                                                        Ch 01

                          AUG 2023 - FEB 2024                               NOV 2023 - FEB 2024                              FEB 2024 - MAR 2024                                MAR 2024 - MAY 2024

                          DISCOVERY                                         DEFINITION                                       DEVELOPMENT                                        PROTOTYPING

                          PHASE                                             PHASE                                            PHASE                                              PHASE

                          Conducting exploratory desk                       In this phase, the problem will be               Using the findings from definition                 In the final phase,  an idea will be
                          research in the form of literature                defined by creating a problem                    phase, the design opportunities and                finalised after feedback to create
                          review to identify the travel                     statement to lead the field research.            criteria will be formulated.                       low, mid and high fidelity prototypes.
                          interactions, stressors and existing
                          solutions that improve                            Qualitative and Quantitative data                An initial set of multiple hypotheses              Low Fidelity hand-drawn sketches for
                          the air travel experience.                        collection will be done in the form of           will becreated and through them,                   branding and mobile app will be

                                                                            reflections, interviews and survey.              brainstormed potential ideas to                    done and user feedback taken.
                          Analysis of literature review to                  These will beanalysed to answer the              improve the travel interaction for                 Branding decisions will also be apart
                          extract valuable data synthesising                research questions, ultimately                   inexperienced travellers.                          of the low fidelity prototyping.
                          into recognisable patterns.                       identifying the user needs and goals

                                                                            in detail.                                       The ideation process will be                       Mid-fidelity stage will finalise the
                          Competitive analysis along with                                                                    conducted through multiple stages to               brand logo and branding, along with
                          Benchmarking to fully understand                  Stakeholder maps and personas will               refine and extract the best possible               fully functional clickable greyscale
                          how current solutions are improving               be created to identify the primary               solutions.                                         version of the mobile application and
                          air travellers air travel experience.             group needing the design solution.                                                                  user feedback will be taken to add

                                                                                                                             The personas will be merged with top               final changes.
                                                                            Empathy maps and user journeys                   3 ideas to understand how the ideas
                                                                            will be created to narrow down and               functioned with user needs. User                   Full branding will be generated
                                                                            specifically identify problem areas.             journeys, storyboarding and site maps              including brand collateral and
                                                                                                                             were used to analyse the                           marketing material. The branding will
                                                                            The final design opportunities                   final ideas.                                       then be applied on the high fidelity
                                                                            were identified for the next phase.                                                                 mobile application and a few web
                                                                                                                             A final hypothesis will be generated to            pages will becreated to show the
                                                                                                                             move forward in prototyping phase.                 solutions expansion to a web

                     Research & Design Project | Project Introduction
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