Page 16 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 16

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ch 02
                Literature Review & Analysis

                Air Travel Interactions

                Online Bookings                                        Packing Luggage                                        Airport Activities

                One of the first steps from the moment a               Packing and carrying your luggage is the               The airport setting itself provides multiple interactions that a traveller goes

                person decides to travel is booking their              initial interaction you come across during             through. Shopping at stores and eating at restaurants are common airport
                flight     and       sorting       out      their      your air travel planning. Having a good                activities that travellers engage in (Gottdiener, 2001). Access to lounges is

                accommodation. These tasks come with                   luggage IQ is important to make                        identified as a smart approach as you can avail several facilities and get

                the consideration of several factors such              important decisions on what to pack                    travel assistance (Walker, 2016).

                as cost and convenience around your                    (Peterson and Doyle, 2020). Checking
                plans (Waisberg, 2012).                                and keeping your travel documents is                   Booking Flights & Accommodation

                                                                       important in the pre-travel preparations               Different methods can be adopted to have a  comfortable travel

                Aircraft Selection                                     (Waterhouse, Reilly and Edwards, 2004).                experience. Carrying a pillowcase can improve the quality of air travel

                The aircraft itself is an interaction                                                                         (Peterson and Doyle, 2020). Noise-cancellation headphones can help

                experience. The difference  in pressure                                                                       sleep quality and cater to jet lag. A comfort kit with essentials for your use

                from  sea level can lead to serious                    Check-In and Customs                                   is also handy during the journey (Waisberg, 2012). Sweater, reading
                hemoglobin oxygen saturation problems,                 Air travellers  go through  the  process of            material and books are also identified as helpful items (Walker, 2016).

                bloody noses, and dry skin for some                    checking in, clearing security and                     Taking walks for blood circulation and managing sleep is essential for

                passengers (Berger, 2014)                              customs  during  their  trip.  Reaching  the           in-flight and post-flight comfort (Waterhouse, Reilly and Edwards, 2004).

                                                                       airports on time, not carrying forbidden
                Seat Selection                                         items and having your documents ready                  Keeping track of Money and Expense

                Seat selection is significant for air travel           help to clear check-in, security and                   Keeping track of your money, different currencies, and expenses is

                comfort. There are other factors other                 customs without delay (Waisberg,2012).                 important. Keeping your receipts together and accessing electronic

                than window or aisle seats, such as seats              Travellers are advised to start early and              receipts wherever possible is advisable so you have your expenses tracked
                near the bathrooms or galleys experience               arrive at the airport with extra time so any           (Waisberg, 2012). A study indicates that budget constraints are one of the

                more  disturbances  and passengers                     delays can be dealt with (Waterhouse,                  most dominant stressors for people and a reason to not travel which

                passing by (Peterson and Doyle, 2020).                 Reilly and Edwards, 2004).                             shows that keeping track of expenses is vital (Graham and Metz, 2017).

                                                                                                                                                 Research & Design Project | Research Phase
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