Page 18 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 18

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ch 02
                Competitive Analysis & Benchmarking

                     1                                                  2                                                3                                                 4

                     TripIt                                             Expedia                                          Notion                                            Mint

                     Travel                                             Online Booking                                   Note Taking &                                     Finance & Budget

                     Organisation                                       Services                                         Organisation                                      Management

                     TripIt is a travel organisation                    Expedia is a well-known                          Notion is a versatile block                       Mint is a budgeting app that

                     app that allows users to                           online travel agency that                        based all-in-one workspace                        helps user create budgets,

                     forward their bookings to                          provides booking services                        that allows users to create                       track their spending and
                     form an itenerary. It also                         through its comprehensive                        notes and add building                            set financial goals. It also

                     includes real time flight                          platform for travellers to                       blocks to customise                               offers recommendations

                     alerts and sharing options.                        plan and book their trip.                        their pages.                                      to save money.

                                                                                                                                                 Research & Design Project | Research Phase
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