Page 17 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 17


                     Literature Review & Analysis                                                                                                                                                                 Ch 02

                     Air Travel Interactions                             Existing Organisation and Travel Assist Methods

                    Findings and Conclusion                              Pre-Travel Health Clinics                                                   Findings and Conclusion

                     The overall air travel interactions                 Pre-Travel health clinics guide travellers about the travel                 Luggage tracking applications can help give a sense of

                     before, during and after travel are                 process, but they might not be as effective. Travellers who                 security by tracking your luggage location in real-time.
                     compiled and listed below. Most                     are afraid of travelling refer to physicians for advice and                 Mobile apps of airlines such as Delta and United Airlines

                     travellers     go      through       these          counselling, but they often fail to provide sufficient                      allow passengers to  track their  luggage  location  from

                     interactions     and      have     varying          guidance (Mcintosh, Power and Reed, 1996). These clinics                    check-in to destination along with GPS-powered tracking

                     responses to each of them. An                       also provide vaccines and prophylactics amongst other                       devices which can be used to track bags with an app
                     understanding of these interactions                 travel-related preventative measures (Wieten, 2014). This                   (Peterson and Doyle, 2020). Hence, these apps can improve

                     helped guide the next stages by                     presents the gap in the success of these consultation                       the quality of their journey and an understanding of these

                     identifying potential stressors and                 clinics which can be improved by broader guidance topics                    methods can help identify how other interactions can be

                     gaps in existing solutions.                         implemented in the design solution of this project.                         improved through a solution designed in this project.

                     All   these     interactions      are    an        Seat Selection Assistance                                                    Travel Agents

                     important part of a traveller’s                     Applications and websites designed to assist travellers in                  Travel agents can assist in making travel arrangements

                     journey.     Therefore,     these     were          making  an  informed  seat  selection  on  their  journey  can              which is helpful but often miscommunications can lead to
                     carefully considered to guide the                   help reduce stress during travel. SeatGuru is one such                      inconveniences. It is advisable to be specific with travel

                     qualitative        and       quantitative           website which functions by highlighting seats with their                    instructions to avoid mishaps (Waisberg, 2012). Therefore,

                     research, significantly contributing                desirability (Peterson and Doyle, 2020) by comparing                        travel agents can potentially improve the experience of

                     to the creation of the final design                 legroom, chair width and power sockets of seats across                      travel while often lacking clear communication, which is an
                     solution to improve the experience                  hundreds of aircraft from different airlines (Director, 2013).              opportunity  area  that  can  be  explored  as  part  of  this

                     during these travel interactions.                   Therefore, applications like SeatGuru can help travellers                   project.

                                                                         make smarter decisions about seat bookings.

                     Research & Design Project | Research Phase
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