Page 15 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 15
Ch 02
Literature Review & Analysis
Role of perception and bias on travel stress In conclusion, passengers process the
same information differently. While some
The way people perceive events, and how often they passengers may not be bothered by a
have travelled has a major effect on how stressed certain interaction, others might react to it
they are during travel. One reason may affect negatively based on their assumptions
different passengers distinctly. Within an airport, and confirmation biases– such as a delay
Table 1 Comparison of Travelers' (n=734) and
travellers are stressed due to insufficient information, Nontravelers' (n=915) Travel - Related Worries (df=1) in flight or fear of travel sickness. A deeper
(Mcintosh, Power and Reed, 1996)
worrying about their luggage, delays and managing understanding of these behavioural
time. In the event of a flight being delayed, responses combined with principles of
passengers perceive the situation differently due to framing effect (where different
their cognitive biases. Some worry that a faulty conclusions can be drawn from the same
aircraft caused the delay, and they will crash while piece of information through how it is
others may just show concern about being late due presented) can help the designing of a
Table 2 Comparison of Male (n=402) and Female (n=513)
to this delay. A group of people with claustrophobia solution which improves the experience for
Nontravelers' Travel-Related Worries (df=1) (Mcintosh,
are prone to the feeling of being trapped while a Power and Reed, 1996) air travellers.
group of individuals may experience constant stress
being present in an unfamiliar airport setting which is
elongated due to delays (McIntosh et al.,1998). The
tables attached compare how travellers and
non-travellers, male and female travellers, male and
female non-travellers are different in travel emotions Table 3 Comparison of Male (n=316) and Female (n=418)
Travelers' Travel-Related Worries (df=1) (Mcintosh, Power
(Mcintosh, Power and Reed, 1996)
and Reed, 1996)
Research & Design Project | Research Phase