Page 13 - WOM August 2018_FINAL_SPREADS_Neat
P. 13



              ave you ever had a patient     created for dentists to get the best   finance industry, I’m interested to see
              arrive at your practice,       access to his wealth of experience.   why Stafford feels there is the need for
        Hcomplaining of vague                  “I feel like we’ve always been a ‘part’   another financial provider; but while
        symptoms?                            of the medical profession, but I felt that   Stafford agrees that there are some
          Perhaps they are experiencing      the medical and dental communities   reputable companies in the space,
        moderate gum pain, they’re finding it   deserved better treatment than they   he believes that none catered to the
        hard to floss, or it hurts to chew.  were receiving from the big banks.”  specific needs of the medical and dental
          It’s an ambiguous set of             During his years at two of Australia’s   communities.
        symptoms, but your extensive         largest banks, Hamilton said that he   “There are a lot of great lending
        experience and knowledge of          noticed a worrying lack of support for   professionals out there, but when
        dentistry will speed you through to a   dentists “historically, developing new   they get to a bigger balance sheet,
        simple diagnosis to help your patient   offerings for dentists just wasn’t top of   they often struggle with bureaucracy.
        progress as quickly as possible.     the agenda.”                         Whereas we’ve recruited a large, highly
          This is why it’s vital to always seek
                                                                                  experienced team, to easily handle the
                                               Stafford explains a regular scenario
 ONLY BANK   help from people with the right skills and   for his clients, which acts as proof of   niche needs of growing practices in the
        the right experience, and when it comes
                                             where dentists sit on the finance food
                                                                                  medical and dental community.”
                                             chain in big banks.
                                                                                    One of the unique aspects of
        to medical loans, Credabl are the most
        experienced finance specialists in the
                                                                                  Credabl, beyond their extensive
                                                                                  understanding of the medical industry,
        market right now.
                                                  We have a better
 WITH A   head of Credabl Stafford Hamilton   challenges professionals            is the fact that they have remained
          Speaking from his office in Sydney,
                                               understanding of what
                                                                                  independent. Stafford explains that this
                                                                                  was to ensure that their clients get the
        better explains his team’s wealth of
                                                                                  best loan possible – not the best loan
        medical experience.
                                                                                  offered from a specific bank.
          “We’ve now got a team that has
                                               in this community are
 CREDABL   and dental experience. That’s a lot of   are fed up because each time they call   that they didn’t resonate with the big
        over 200 years of combined medical
                                                                                    “I think most of our dental clients feel
                                                    likely to face.
        time spent sitting in practices, talking to
                                                                                  banks. No one believes the big banks
        doctors and dentists about their worries,
                                                                                  are ‘on their side.’ No one really believes
        their hopes and their businesses. So,
                                                                                  that the big banks are out there doing
                                               “Many of the people who come to us
                                                                                  anything drastically innovative for the
        we have a great understanding of not
 PARTNER  only how to best operate a business   the bank, they’re dealing with a different   consumer. Remaining independent has
                                             relationship manager. So, any time
                                                                                  allowed us to do just that.”
        in this community, but we also have a
                                                                                    Many companies claim to innovate,
                                             they need financial assistance, they’re
        better understanding of what challenges
                                                                                  but it’s not just lip service with Credabl.
        businesses in this community are likely
                                             forced to step back and take the time to
                                             explain who they are, what their practice
                                                                                  In fact, Stafford and his team are already
        to face.”
          Stafford’s team has specialised
        in the medical niche of the finance   is like and what they hope to achieve.”  testing new technologies, to help their
                                               Getting sick of seeing the medical
                                                                                  clients make better use of their time
        community for over 25 years.  This   community underrepresented in big    without constant holdups.
 HOW ONE COMPANY IS CHANGING THE WAY WE DO BUSINESS.  passion for the medical community   banks, Stafford founded Credabl.   “Current lending processes are
        lead him to found Credabl, a company   With his wealth of knowledge in the   fraught with forms and other brakes,
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