Page 14 - WOM August 2018_FINAL_SPREADS_Neat
P. 14

market as well.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           “We’ve seen more dentists starting to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         better understand the importance and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         value of their brand, which is making
                                                                                                                                                                                                         it harder to stay competitive for other
                                                                                                                                                                                                         dentists, as the bar gets continuously
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Stafford quickly notes that while this
                                                                                                                                                                                                         lift in the bar is a huge positive for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         industry, it’s a hurdle for dentists looking
                                                                                                                                                                                                         to remain competitive.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           “It’s increasing the cost of maintaining
                                                                                                                               a dentist comes to us, it’s usually a fairly   dentist in their business.  your practice; from coffee machines
                                                                                                                               transactional process. Often, they’re   “It’s no easy thing to question the   to fresh flowers… they all give your
                                                                                                                               looking to purchase some equipment,   actions of highly qualified professionals,   practice a beautiful aesthetic, which
                                                                                                                               like a dental chair, or possibly even a   but I believe it is critical to Credabl’s role   increases the experience for the patient
                                                                                                                               new practice – something very needs   as a business partner. Our clients are   – but it all comes at a cost.”
                                                                                                                               based, where you know precisely what   experts in dentistry and we’re experts   Aside from the hard costs of running
                                                                                                                               you want, and now you’re out to find it.”  in finance – they should expect nothing   a practice, Stafford explains that other
                                                                                                                                  However, with such experience in   less. Most of the banks out there take a   current pitfalls in the industry include
                                                                                                                               the community, Stafford admits that   formulaic approach to lending because   spending on website marketing in ad-
                                                                                                                               he can’t help but begin thinking of the   they deal with everyone from a plumber   hoc ways, losses on DA processes, and
                                                                                                                               possible ways to assist, even from the   to an astronaut.”                unplanned labour costs such as training
                                                                                                                               very first meeting.                                                       and compliance.  However, these pitfalls
       such as the need for interventions from   dentists increasingly want to spend   These time pressures aren’t                “We’re constantly thinking about   We’re constantly thinking           can be avoided with the right partner.
       accountants and proof of tax returns.    less of the little time they do have   unique to the medical profession,       how else we can improve their practice                                      “Running any practice takes time.
       These blocks often add days to the loan   engaging with [Credabl]. Not because   but to help dentists better connect    financially, so we’re already thinking   about how else we can            There’s a steep learning curve, and
       process – even weeks – so we want to   they’re rude, but because they have   and take better control of their           about how we can help them with their                                     often there will be overruns as a result.
       find a better way to get quicker results   other things to focus on - more   finances, Credabl is using methods         finances and how can we help to grow    improve their practice            If you’re not working with a specialist
       for our clients.”                    immediate things. So even if they have   of communication that are definitely      their practices. It may be that we need        financially.               company who understands the journey,
         One such technology, already in    a spare twenty minutes, [dentists]   unique for the finance community.             to consider what assets they could                                        my concern is always that will end up
       testing mode at Credabl, is artificial   have to remain connected. They’re   As Stafford explains, “We let our          leverage to help get a better loan… or                                    with unforeseen costs.”
       intelligence.                        constantly checking in on their practice   partners decide on how they want to     even helping our customers take a more   Stafford goes into detail to explain   So, whether you’re looking to
         “We’ve currently got an eye        and getting work done at all times.”   communicate with us, so we’re regularly     scientific approach to how they charge   how the Credabl approach is different,   purchase a new chair, improve your
       on artificial intelligence, as we’re   Stafford thinks this stems from the   using online chat, iMessage, Facebook      for their time.”                     “I like to understand someone’s plans   employee training, buy a new practice,
       investigating ways to make it possible   increasing cost to go into private practice   - and other mediums that big banks are   At Credabl, while there’s a focus on   and if I think they are missing something   or even set up your practice to sell
       for our clients to give us their financial   and the financial pressure it creates.   often nervous of.”                partnering with dentists, Stafford says   important or it’s a bad idea, I’m going   for the best price; start a partnership
       information without filling out 25-page   “The cost of opening or buying your   When talking about Credabl’s            that he’s trained his team to initially help   to share my opinion. That applies even   with a finance professional that better
       forms or having to send us five years   own practice has risen considerably   clients, Stafford often responds with     practitioners get what they need, as   if they have the cashflow and assets to   understands your business and your
       of tax returns from their accountants.   over the past 10 years and the entry   stories of his “partners,” stressing the   quickly as possible, “Our initial approach   approve them with ease!”  community.
       If it works, then we want to evolve and   level standard today was the gold   word as though correcting me for          is ‘Okay, that’s what you need, so we’ll   It becomes clear that Stafford’s   Don’t waste your time with an
       incorporate that into Credabl.”      standard of 10 years ago – digital   pronouncing it wrong. When I quiz him         get it done.’ We don’t want to distract   passion for finance blends well with his   inexperienced practitioner: talk to the
         With their extensive experience    dentistry, cone beams and high-end   on this phrasing, he explains that one of     anyone from achieving what they need   experience in the medical community.   team at Credabl.
       in the community, Stafford and his   fitouts are just a few examples. It’s no   Credabl’s core values is to push beyond   to achieve.”                       He becomes immensely animated
       team are all too aware of the immense   wonder dentists are busy – the yield   transactional dealings with clients, to     However, while speed is important   when recalling tales of how his team
       time pressures dentists are currently   they need to generate for their practice   create meaningful partnerships and lift   to Credabl’s service, Stafford also   has helped their dental partners adapt
       experiencing.                        time is consistently increasing as a result   the medical community as a whole.    believes that playing the antagonist   to trends in the market. Not just the
         “We’ve definitely noticed that     of higher overheads.”                  “Partnerships take time. The first time     is sometimes critical to supporting a   financial markets, but also in the dental

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