Page 9 - WOM August 2018_FINAL_SPREADS_Neat
P. 9




        for Biomedex and has been an integral   Ian is one of the only people     for the next 20 years, “although some
        part of building the #1 service network   outside of Germany that is qualified to   hospitals right now are looking at low
        within the country. 35 service companies   teach and train on the Melag systems.  temperature sterilizing and with the
        in Australia and 7 service companies in   These days, 30% of his time is spent   introduction of washer disinfectors,
        New Zealand. This gives Melag service   training others and developing/growing   but they are still a long way from
        full coverage across both countries.   the network across Australia and New   being mainstream”.
          Ian joined Biomedex in 2010,       Zealand. According to Ian “the Melag   The one thing that Ian is most
        prior to that he worked for another   quality has remained the same over the   proud of is not just the network that
        company, High Technology. “When I                                         he has built or the service quality that
        joined High Technology 15 years ago,   What has changed is the            he maintains, it is “the rapport with the
        I met the team from Germany. They                                         service companies across Australia
        were out for a dental show and we      technology involved in             and New Zealand.  We are more than
        formed a strong relationship. They                                        just a service company, dealing with
        invited me to Germany to do some         the control systems.             the importer, we are a family. We all
 an Hopkins is passionate about   words, “I just loved the industry from   training in 2003.”   talk to each other, we all support
 his work. Originally a electrical   that point and just stayed in it”.  Over the years he developed a   past 15 years. What has improved is   each other, and we share knowledge,
 Ifitter mechanic by trade, he   The reason for this is that the   greater relationship with the Melag   the technology and the performance of   loyalty and support. This alone has
 started in the industry 44 years ago.   industry has always changed. “Even   team and is now fully endorsed by   the product is far greater”.  created this opportunity for us to be
 “When I started, I had the idea   though steam is steam. You boil   them to service their products and   “Melag’s double jacket generator   number 1.”
 it would be a job for a couple of   water and it turns to steam, you can’t   train others to the same level of   creates greater steam quality, even   For further information please
 years and I would gain a bit more   change that. What has changed is   service and standard. Even when   heating of the unit, with very fast cycle   contact our customer service team.
 experience after I finished my   the technology involved in the control   Melag changed distributors in July   times and faster drying times”.
 apprenticeship”. Obviously that idea   systems that has kept me engaged”.  2010, to Biomedex it had no bearing   Ian believes that there will be little   1800 672 675
 was short lived, as he says in his own   Ian is the Technical Manager (Melag)   on his standing with the company.  change to the steam steriliser market

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