Page 6 - WOM August 2018_FINAL_SPREADS_Neat
P. 6

                                                                          Wim Hof takes you beyond
                                                                          your physical & mental limits
        EDITOR’S                                                        showcases it’s new       CALCULATOR
                                                                         NO MORE
                                                                                                    DR CROSS
                                                                                                  SHOWS YOU
                                                                                                 HOW TO KEEP
                                                                                                  REVENUE IN
                                                                                                 HOUSE WITH
                                                                                                  THIS SIMPLE
                                                                        Word of Mouth
        NOTE                                                            digital platforms and   SOMEONE                                                                             For your
                                                                                BANK ON
                                                                        the benefits for you
                                                                           PITFALLS CAN BE AVOIDED WITH THE RIGHT PARTNER
                                                                              up the finance food chain and taking priority of place.
         A MAGAZINE DESIGNED FOR YOU                                         We talk to STAFFORD HAMILTON about dentists moving                                                     NSK repairs
                                                                                                                                                                                    send it to
                              he dental     platform, with three levels of content   many years in the industry, I worked
                              industry in   for your convenience:                my way up to the role of  Sales Director
                        T Australia         DENTAL MAGAZINE: a quarterly         and Head of Creative for Nova 96.9
                        has become          digital magazine                     and smooth fm in Sydney.  In 2015, I
                        increasingly        EDM’s: weekly newsletters with the   made the jump to run my own media                                                                  NSKTech
                        competitive.        hottest offers, market trends and CPD   buying agency, which I still run and
                        Multiple            courses                              operate to this day.
                        practices are       Website: wordofmouthmagazine
                        popping in every      In this edition, we have a wide    MELISSA RIDDELL
       suburb, universities are swelling    range of articles; from Wim Hof, The   Publisher / Graphic Designer
       with students, patients are still    Iceman, Melag’s service guru – Ian   Without Melissa, none of this
       reluctant to visit their dentist and   Hopkins, the impact of taking your   happens. Her experience is integral
       everyone is looking for an edge      3D imaging in-house, the best tips for   to pull this magazine together. She
       to find new clients, keep their      digital marketing, salary negotiations   has worked with some of Australia’s
       business and grow their practice.    and figuring out when to refurbish   best-known magazine labels for the
         So, what differentiates you from   your practice versus when to relocate.   past 10 years, working as a graphic
       the practice down the road and why   In our feature, we spend time with   designer with Marie Claire, Take
       would someone seek you out? How      Stafford Hamilton, the founder of    That, Women’s Day and Madison
       would they find you? What sort of    Credabl an independent finance       Magazine. She also worked as the
       experience would they have when      company that works within the niche   Deputy Art Director for Shop Til You
       they enter your practice and what    medical industry. He showcases       Drop. Prior to working with Word
       incentive/reason do they have to see   his wealth of knowledge and        of Mouth, she was working as a
       you again?                           understanding of the needs of dentists   freelance Graphic Designer.
         These are the questions Word of    and their practices.                   Once again, I thank you for taking
       Mouth Magazine asks itself before      I also wanted to take the time to   the time to engage with us.
       every edition. Putting ourselves in your   introduce to you the small team at   Happy reading.
       shoes and trying to find the answers   Word of Mouth:
       to your patients’ needs. In posing
       these questions, we also came to     SHAUN SCULLY
       realise the need for our magazine to   Editor-In-Chief
       evolve. It needed to better cater to   I have worked in media and advertising                                                                                 NSK Oceania Pty Ltd
       your needs.                          for the past 15 years. Starting out in   Shaun Scully
         For this reason, Word of Mouth     radio, I have worked across Outdoor,   Editor in Chief                                                           
       has moved to a completely digital    Out of Home and magazines. After     Word of Mouth Magazine
                                                                                                                                                                    Product Information |  Technical Support
                                                                                                                                                              Unit 12 / 809-821 Botany Road, Rosebery, NSW 2018
                                                                                                                                                            Freephone: 1300 44 33 21  Email:
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