Page 6 - GMLPN Annual Report - 1920 Final_Neat
P. 6

Supporting members during
                                                the Covid-19 Pandemic

               Working on behalf of members

                 Working alongside other organisations including the Northern Skills Network, AELP and AoC we have
                 worked to effectively position independent training providers and to deliver key messages to
                 Government. This has been undertaken by communicating directly with ESFA in meetings, through
                 the GM Employment and Skills Advisory Panel and in meetings with Gillian Keegan the Skills Minister.
                 Throughout this challenging period we have sought to position vocational training providers and their
                 programmes as a vital ingredient in sustaining the supply of skilled workers.

               Notable successes have been:

                    Convincing Government that apprentices should be able to sustain their
                     Apprenticeship training whilst on furlough.
                    Removal of the requirement that Apprentices without Level 2 maths and English must
                     be entered for tests at that Level.

                    Securing the provider financial support scheme.
                    Helping to secure a guarantee of funding for the Adult Education Budget (AEB).

                    And perhaps most importantly persuading Government of the merits of relaxing
                     lockdown restrictions enabling training providers to re-open their training facilities to
                     deliver training to key workers and to support those made redundant to secure new

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