Page 8 - GMLPN Annual Report - 1920 Final_Neat
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Provider Support Programme

               2019/20 saw the re-launch of the GMLPN Provider Support Programme, which consists of Workshops,
               Sector Updates, Consultancy and Professional Exchanges.

                 Professional Exchange Project                         AOC Mental Health Project

            The final year of the ETF Funded Professional      We’re working in partnership
            Exchange Project engaged with 181 individuals      with the Association of
            from 61 organisations. 70 individuals benefited    Colleges on an exciting new
            directly from learning of the project with a further   project to research into and
            413 individuals reached via broadcasts.            improve mental health
                                                               support for Apprentices and Trainees within
            Since the funding of the initial project came to an
            end in July 2020, we recognised the importance of   their Independent Training Providers and
            the concept for GMLPN and decided to continue      employers.
            with the Professional Exchanges in to 2020/21,     The aim of the project is to establish a triangle of
            with some sponsorship from awarding organisation,   support between the apprentice/trainee, the
            NCFE and investment from GMLPN.                    provider and the employer so that mental
                                                               health issues can be supported from all sides. We
            The following groups have had their first meetings
            of 2020/21 and will continue in to the year:       will identify any gaps from the research and
                                                               produce a resource toolkit and training programme.
                 English, Maths & Digital                     We will be developing a network of Mental Health
                 Improving Quality                            Champions who are specialists on the issue
                 Safeguarding - Mental Health and Wellbeing    and who can lend their expertise to other
                 New & Growing Training   Sponsored by:       practitioners.
                 Recruiting Learners
                 Work Placements

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