Page 7 - GMLPN Annual Report - 1920 Final_Neat
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Working in Partnership

                                “At the heart of our approach is our core vision and purpose – to make the
                                employment and skills system in Greater Manchester as effective as possible. In
                                order to do that we are committed to working as closely as possible with our partners
                                and enhancing the communications between commissioners and providers at all
                                levels. For some years we have recognised that the voice of training providers who
                                are actually delivering the vast majority of the employment and skills training
                                delivered in Greater Manchester and beyond is not always heard, and as such a key
                                priority is to ensure effective two way communication.”
                                Andy Fawcett | Executive Director

                 We have worked with a range or partners locally, regionally and nationally throughout the
                 year. Some highlights include:

                      We are striving to build ever close links between providers and DWP/JCP to ensure that
                       colleagues in JCP are aware of the full range of employability and vocational training across
                       Greater Manchester. We are also delighted that a Amy Pond from JCP has joined our
                       Advisory Board.
                      Throughout the pandemic, sustaining weekly contact with ESFA alerting them to emerging
                       issues identified by members and including them in our regular Network Meetings.
                      Our continuous work with colleagues in GMCA has been vital in helping us to inform policy
                       development and keeping the Network informed. Work includes, representation on the
                       Employment and Skills Advisory Panel and sustaining the AEB programme.
                      Weekly meetings alongside other members of the Northern Skills Network allowed us to gain
                       intel on a regional level, including a regular survey to Training Providers across the North.
                       The outcomes were then shared with Government and helped to shape the policy response
                       not least the about turn which enabled providers to sustain apprenticeship training as and
                       when  apprentices were furloughed and made redundant.
                      We continued to work closely with Ofsted the past year including both Mark Currie (Mantra
                       Learning and chair of GMLPN) and John Whitby (STEGTA) sitting on the NW Ofsted
                       Regional Reference Group and regular updates at Network Meetings in respect of Interim
                       Visits and finding’s and observations of the rapid shift to online and virtual learning.

                      One of our primary aims during the year has been to ensure that providers have been
                       engaged with the development and roll out of the ESF Skills for Growth programme and
                       vitally the GM Employ initiative both delivered by The Growth Company.

                Click the logos below for detailed information on our work with each organisation throughout
                the year

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