P. 40


               I have managed to include all the aspects that is needed on the ebook to let the readers in the future
               know how the ‘online services’ and ‘digital divide’ in this era was.  First, I uploaded my researched work
               from word processing document to ‘Adobe Dreamweaver’, I added CSS style sheet to my work and
               created a useful webpage.

               I used coding method to create buttons and I added links to the buttons to ensure easy access to the
               ‘Homepage’ – it is not an easy thing to just code data if you haven’t used it or tried it before. I have used
               Dreamweaver before and I learnt how to code data; that was the start of my first website I created:

                 I added videos and images in html. I also used ‘Sample Templates’ in html to design some of the
               webpages, using CSS style sheets to design the background style, making changes to the text format and
               I added border lines. It is not easy using Dreamweaver to design or create a website.

                                                                     Word processing document

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