P. 36



                     Increased opportunities for personal, educational and employment advancement - A large
                       number of jobs are being created, it makes it easier to apply and finish assignments and have a
                       large number of resources online.
                     It also improved communication methods – better and clear phone calls. Faster in sending and
                       receiving of data information.

                     It has improved health care – new way of curing or treating diseases, the use of ICT
                       technological tools helps to cure diseases easily, at a lower time consuming, and it reduces the
                       number of date rate since there is a new way of improving healthy living.

               ICT skills and knowledge is growing fairly quickly as many people who never even knew what a computer
               is, are now with help from others gaining access to get online.


                     Expensive – as the number of internet uses increases, the cost of setting up a small business
                       network also increases. It is expensive to pay for electricity bills and it is expensive to improve a
                       workplace and to set up networks in organization and set up offices. It also takes lots of time to
                       set up the service and to train people to use it.

                     Technology is outdated very quickly
                     Government cut backs due to recession

                     Education – students tends to rely on the internet, this can bring low performances in level of
                       education. Students are not focused in class as they tend to use the resources available for
                       playing video games and watching videos that have no use or that is irrelevant to what they are
                       taught in class.

                     Cultural reasons - reducing the gap may mean less people to speak local languages and to
                       perform traditional role. Internet is increasing and the number of users are increasing daily, this
                       may cause a change in the traditional society where educated people tend not to follow or obey
                       the traditional way of culture, and this may bring disrespect and immoral behaviors into ones
                       family – ‘myth’.

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