P. 34


               Communities may have a hard time understanding their neighbors due to the difference in ICT skills.
               Some people may force out to have international education which then may bring pressures on local
               people, leaving their local cultures behind for international – the widening of the digital divide may bring
               external migration: due to lack of income in job applications and infrastructure development or lack of
               better education facilities; the local traditions are left behind.

               Divisions between people since only half of the community have access to internet due to a cause of
               external migration. Some people may think they are better than others.


                     An increase in the gap may mean poorer teaching conditions, high pressure on teachers since
                       they have to use the traditional way of teaching due to lack of internet or computer access.

                     People without internet access may mean high increase in the number of people in local
                       libraries. High pressure and difficult to grasp study materials.

                     The lack of a college degree will result in more inequality issues in the country.

                     Computer skills are now a requirement for any college student. Minorities or students from low-
                       income families may not be able to enter college with insufficient technology background. Even
                       students who can get accepted to college may not be able to finish due to a lack of computer

                                                 THE EXTENT OF THE DIVIDE

               The digital divide is a worldwide issue, and is not just related to the gap between people with and
               without access internet. Other contributing factors include:
                     Low quality internet connections

                     Higher-priced Internet connections

                     Difficulty with obtaining technical assistance

                     Being a member of a community speaking a minority language

                     Lower access to subscriber content


               Good question! Digital divide is highly reducing due to proper educational trained skills in ICT in devel-
               oped countries. – An extension in level of training skills are causing a reduction in the digital divide. As
               the gab draws closer and closer in developed countries, unemployment is therefore growing larger in
               developing countries, because people with no ICT trained skills are no longer needed in work places,
               which can therefore also boost crime rate; high increase in ‘hobo’ – homeless.
               “The Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research (ISSER) of the University of Ghana’s 2012
               Ghana Social Development Outlook Report says the gap between the poorest and the richest Ghanaians
               is widening.”

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