P. 31

The main reason individuals and communities don’t have access to a computer or an up-to-date

                 Internet service are economic reasons; a lack of money. Equipment and software has to be bought
                 and subscription charges to ISPs paid.
                      A lack of money means there is no ICT Infrastructure.
                      The community becomes even poorer.
                      Companies are unable to compete effectively in the market place.
                      Businesses move away from the community.
                      The number of employment opportunities in the area reduces.

                 Many developing countries struggle to provide adequate telephone lines.
                 PC hardware and software is simply too expensive for many people in the developing world.

               ECONOMIC FACTOR

               AGE FACTOR

               Study show that young age groups are most internet users, leaving the elderly people less
               active due to lack of or ability to understand the use of ICT technology easily and faster.

               Many people think they’re too old to understand the use of ICT technology, for instance, smart
               phones, video games, etc.

               They think it’s time wasting and time consuming because they are slow learners or absorbers
               and therefore they choose not to use it.

               Sometimes they think they’re being ‘fooled’ or insulted – For instance, the use of IDK, FYI, WYD,
               in modern text messages. Therefore they choose not to use it.


                   1.  Many people are not prepared to put in the time and effort to learn something new

                   2.  Some people link ICT with useless activities such as computer game playing, eyes
                       damage, and other more sinister themes.
                   3.  Modern Operating Systems (Windows, Mac-OS) are much easier to use than they were

                       15 years ago, however they still require a certain amount of effort to grasp.

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