P. 30

The digital divide is not a gulf that can be easily bridged. Internet access is, of course, critical but must be
               affordable. Locally relevant content is also seen as increasingly critical, but again not sufficient to
               promote interest if the content is not available in an affordable and efficient manner. If it were easy to
               eliminate the digital divide, it would have been achieved long ago. Instead, it requires a multi-faceted
               approach with clear and concerted government support – and a clear view that the end result is critical
               for providing economic opportunities and social inclusion for all citizens of each and every country.

                                                       Lack of Motivation

                                                   Factors Attributing
                    Economic                                                               Fear of Technology
                                                      to the Digital

                                Age                                                      Social

               This is where people tend not to use ICT technology. The more people redraw out from the internet, the
               gap between individuals and the internet becomes larger and larger.

               SOCIAL FACTOR

               The gap between “information rich and poor” within countries.
                     Originally, the digital divide was attributed to Internet Access.
                     Now most people have access to the Internet, thanks to libraries and Internet cafes etc.
                     We now think about the digital divide as those who do and those who don’t have the skills to
                       use the internet appropriately.

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