P. 35

However, in developed countries, the gap may be larger if the number of internet user’s increases. Now,
               due to proper ICT educational tools and high income rate in developed countries, more and more
               people are migrating externally from rural areas in developing countries to developed countries in
               search of better trained skills and faster and low-cost internet connectivity. This however cause an
               increase in the gap opening since the number of internet users are doubled - low quality internet
               connections, and the difficult in obtaining or retrieving and processing data information may cause the
               gap to widen, due to a lack of weaker signal; an increased in number of internet or network users.

               HOW CAN THE GAP BE REDUCED?

               Another great question! An increase in the gap means more countries or people have less access to the
               internet, less communication, less/no infrastructure development, less business and unemployment
               rate is therefore high. To ensure that the gap is reduced and therefore people have access to data
               information (internet), I think:

                     Build confidence and capacity in the use of ICT in older people and opportunities arise that will
                       enhance their well-being and quality of life, reduce social isolation and loneliness, and moreover
                       give those people access to the services that everyone else now takes for granted.

                     More businesses should be open and located in areas where there is less/no jobs.

                     Educating people about their benefits deriving out of digital media – making them aware that
                       there is no harm in using the internet and therefore there is data privacy where they can keep
                       their data information confidential and secret.

                     Making people afford and accessible to the mobile devices like feature/smartphones and
                       tablets. Cutting the cost of the internet.
                     Build a community to spread and support the change.

                     Plan, setup and rollout these campaigns are grass root level.

                     Motivate and incentivize to use the digital media for day to day activity and tasks (News,
                       Weather, Government Services, Information Services, Communication, Social…)

                     People should be confident in their own ability to use computer skills.

               In ‘educational factor’, it is important to ensure that students with low socioeconomic status have equal
               access to utilize technology in their early stage. New instructional methods could help to mediate some
               of these obstacles for students behind the learning curve.

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