Page 48 - Art Attack Gr 9 LB SKU1007
P. 48
The word architect comes from the Greek word ‘architection,’ which means
master builder. The Greeks built using simple and balanced methods. Their
style of architecture and that of the Romans is known as the Classical Style.
This style began about 450 BC. The concepts of pure line and shape, which
are characteristic of this style exerted a great influence on architecture in
Europe. The Greeks designed three columns known as the Doric, Ionic and
Corinthian orders. Even today, these columns are in use.
The capital (head or top)
of a Corinthian column
The Parthenon temple on
the Acropolis in Athens,
Corinthian columns
at the Central block,
Wits University
The different capitals: a Doric capital, an Ionic capital and a
Corinthian capital
After the Greeks came the Romans. They developed the arch and
invented the vault. It was their experimentation with spherical forms,
which helped them develop domes of considerable size. They also
invented concrete. One of their domes is found in the Pantheon. It
was built in 124 AD and has a diameter of 43 metres. The arch
Many arches together
A barrel vault A Cross-barrel vault
forming a vault
Artifact Publications and Training 2015 42