Page 14 - Kick-AssWellnessHandbook_eBook
P. 14

Preparing vegetables

        Pay attention to how you prepare your vegetables. Try to eat
        vegetables in their raw state. The two best options for cooking

        vegetables are lightly steaming and sauteing in coconut oil, or an
        organic vegetable or chicken broth. Both methods are quick and
        leave vegetables slightly crisp and tasty. Do not overcook your
        vegetables, as they will lose their nutrient value quickly this way.

        If using a broth, be sure to save the broth that you cooked your
        vegetables in and make a fresh soup from it.

        Secret # 4:  Stop Consuming Processed Meat

        Commercially-raised animals are fed multiple antibiotics and growth
        hormones, which end up in their meat. The overuse of antibiotics

        in the meat industry leads to the growth of drug-resistant bacteria
        strains, which make individuals more susceptible to previously
        treatable diseases.

        The secret to eating meat the healthy way is to start eating grass-

        fed meat. Find a farmer near you at Local is always

        Animals raised in confinement are fed diets mainly consisting of
        GMO grain and soy; far from their natural diets. What’s worse is

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