Page 15 - Island hospital Heartbeats_Winter2018
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Six-Week Childbirth Education HEALtH CArE ESSEntiAL oiLS
Classes ProFESSionALS trAining
This six-week class is designed to prepare parents- Instructor: Michelle
to-be for the arrival of their new baby. Participants HIV/AIDS Training for Licensure Mahler of Circle of
will learn essential skills and develop confidence as Island Hospital offers a DVD-based, four-or seven- Healing Essential Oils
they approach the end of pregnancy, labor, birth hour HIV/AIDS training. Participants will take a test has been leading
and early parenting. Prenatal health, stages of during the training. A certificate of completion will workshops at Puget
labor, coping techniques, pain relief options, breast- be provided with the successful completion of the Sound area co-ops and
schools since 2004.
feeding, newborn care and more will be covered. course. This course is offered in English only. If
Class is a blend of discussion, DVDs, hands-on prac- translation is needed, it is up to the participant to
tice and guest speakers. coordinate.
When: Tuesdays, March 20 – April 24, 6 – 8:30 p.m. When: Monthly, call for dates Winter Skincare Basics
Tuesdays, May 15 – June 19, 6 – 8:30 p.m. Cost: FREE (residents of Skagit, Island & San Juan Winter can be harsh on your skin. Learn how to
Where: Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms Counties) $30 for non-residents make healing skin and haircare products using
Cost: $95/per couple or individual (covered by Apple Registration: 360-299-1309 essential oils, jojoba oil, vitamin E oil, rosehip and
Health) diABEtES borage seed oil. You will leave the class with a per-
Instructor: Teri Shilling MS, LCCE, CD(DONA), IBCLC sonal skin or hair blend and will have recipes to
Weekend Childbirth Education Diabetes and the Ketogenic Diet make additional blends in the future.
When: Wednesday, February 28, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Classes Do you have type 2 diabe- Where: Fidalgo Room
This two-day class is for those unable to attend the tes? Learn how to manage Cost: $35, (includes skincare blend)
your diabetes through the
six-week session. Prenatal nutrition, stages of labor, low carbohydrate, keto-
coping techniques, pain relief options, breastfeed- genic diet. This course will HEALtH inSurAnCE
ing, newborn care and more will be covered. Class is review basics of the keto-
a blend of discussion, DVDs and hands-on practice. genic diet. Learn how diet Medicare 101: Understanding Your
Class must meet minimum registration require- affects type 2 diabetes Medicare Choices
ments to be held. including methods for con- Do you need help deciphering the Medicare puzzle?
When: Sat. & Sun., February 3 & 4, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. trolling blood sugar and weight loss. Nondiabetic Join us to learn more about traditional Medicare
Sat. & Sun., April 7 & 8, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. participants are welcome to attend to learn about coverage, Medicare Advantage Plans, Prescription
Where: Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms the many benefits of the ketogenic diet. Drug Coverage, gaps, enrollment and fraud protec-
Cost: $130/per couple or individual (covered by Apple When: Tuesday, February 20, 3 – 4:30 p.m. tion.
Health) Where: Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms When: Monday, March 26, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
Instructor: Teri Shilling MS, LCCE, CD(DONA), IBCLC Cost: FREE Monday, April 16, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
Where: Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms
CAnCEr CArE Instructor: Jan Priggee RN, CCRP Cost: FREE
drivEr’S SAFEty
Instructor: SHIBA Volunteer
Look Good…Feel Better
A specialized class dedicated to helping women AARP Smart Driver
address appearance and self-image concerns expe- During this class intended for those 50 and older, “Great information
rienced during chemotherapy or radiation treat- you will refresh your defensive driving techniques, clearly provided”
ment. Look Good Feel Better focuses on skin care, review the rules of the road, learn new traffic laws
make-up, proper care for nails and hair alternatives. and much more! Get a discount on your auto insur- – Medicare 101 class participant
Each participant receives a free kit of cosmetics ance for completing the course. Classroom instruc-
donated by the cosmetic industry. This program is tion only.
sponsored by the American Cancer Society. When: Wednesday, March 28, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
When: 1st Monday, 1 – 3 p.m. Where: Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms
Where: Merle Cancer Care Center Conference Room Cost: $15 AARP members, $20 non-members
Cost: FREE Instructor: Madeline Rose
Contact: 360-588-2082, registration preferred
2. Email 3. Call (360) 299-4204
Winter 2018 | Heartbeats | 15