Page 17 - Island hospital Heartbeats_Winter2018
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Resources & Support Groups
CArdioPuLMonAry PrEgnAnCy, CHiLdrEn their waterproof Personal Help Button whenever
CArE CEntEr ProgrAMS And FAMiLiES they need help, calling a certified Lifeline monitor
who assesses the situation and summons appropri-
Cardiac Rehabilitation Access to Baby and Child Dentistry ate help.
Contact: 800-635-6156
If you have stable angina or have had a heart (ABCD)
attack, heart bypass surgery, valve surgery, angio- Did you know that regular dental care is recom- Skagit Adult Day Program
plasty or stent placement in the past year, this mended to start before an infant’s first birthday? Lunch & Learn
monitored exercise program will help you increase Families with children up to age six can call Skagit Local experts share knowledge and insight regard-
your endurance and provide you with the neces- County’s ABCD program for help with dental care for ing elder care over a light homemade lunch.
sary education you need to make lifestyle changes their children. When: 1st Tuesday, 12:30 – 2 p.m.
for better cardiac health. Contact: 360-416-1523 Where: Anacortes Christ Episcopal Church
Contact: 360-299-4242 Center for Maternal & Infant Care Cost: FREE
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Pregnant and have Apple Health? Maternity sup- Contact: Gentry House, 360-293-4466
Are you unable to do the things you used to do port services through Island Hospital can help! tEEnS
because of shortness of breath and fatigue? Services consist of preventative health education to
Pulmonary Rehabilitation may be the answer. An support a healthy pregnancy and baby, and Anacortes Teen Clinic
exercise specialist will teach participants exercises includes a multidisciplinary team consisting of a The Teen Clinic is free of charge for teens (age 18
that will increase strength and decrease fatigue. registered nurse, lactation consultant, nutritionist and under). The clinic is open on Wednesdays from
Also, learn about the cardiopulmonary system, and social worker. The Center for Maternal & Infant 2 – 5 p.m. and is located at 2601 M Ave., Suite C,
medications and nutrition to maximize strength Care helps connect expecting moms to community Anacortes. Drop-ins are welcome.
and endurance. This course is Medicare-approved resources. Anacortes Teen Clinic Services:
and may be covered by insurance. Contact: 360-293-3101 • Family planning
Contact: 360-299-4242 Nurse-Family Partnership • Contraceptive education and supplies including
HEALtH inSurAnCE First-time moms who are eligible for Apple Health condoms, birth control pills and emergency con-
or WIC can enroll in Skagit County’s Nurse-Family traception
In-Person Assisters Partnership (NFP) program. Moms are paired with • Pregnancy testing
• Sexually transmitted infection prevention educa-
(Non-Medicare) nurses who meet with them from early pregnancy tion
Island Hospital offers free appointments with an until their child turns two, providing personalized Contact: 360-293-6973
In-Person Assister. This program is intended to help information and support for a healthier pregnancy
individuals (not on Medicare) understand the and a more confident parenting experience. WEigHt MAnAgEMEnt
details regarding enrollment for health insurance Services are provided by Skagit County Public Overweight?
through the Washington Healthplanfinder. Health at no cost to families. Over time, weight seems to just creep onto us, yet it
Contact: 360-299-4924 Contact: 360-416-1523 does so at a cost to our health, mobility and agility.
SHIBA Skagit Healthy Beginnings Meet with our registered dietitian for an individual
Need free help understanding Medicare or health Phone Line dietary session. Insurance may cover cost.
insurance connected to Medicare, Part D prescrip- Child & Family Health staff at Skagit County Public Contact: 360-299-1300, ext. 2567
tion coverage, the “extra help” program or more? Health provides information and referrals to help SuPPort grouPS
Island Hospital’s SHIBA program has expert volun- families of pregnant women and young children
teers trained by the Office of the Insurance find activities and services that promote health, Alzheimer’s Association - Caregivers
Commissioner available to give free, unbiased development and well-being.
information. Contact: 360-630-8352 (call or text) Monday – 2nd Monday, 1 p.m.
Contact: 360-299-4212 Friday Westminster Presbyterian Church,
1300 9th St. Anacortes
MEntAL HEALtH Women, Infants and Children Contact: Ann, 360-299-9569
(WIC) Nutrition Program
NAMI (National Alliance on The WIC program provides healthy foods, nutrition Better Breathers
3rd Tuesday, 1 – 2 p.m.
Mental Illness) education, breastfeeding support and linkage to Burrows Room, Island Hospital
NAMI Skagit provides support, education and health and social services. WIC serves women who Contact: Jim, 360-299-4242
advocacy for people with mental illness and their are pregnant, breastfeeding or post-partum and Grief
families within Skagit County. NAMI Skagit offers infants and children up to age five. WIC is an equal
support groups and classes. opportunity provider and does not discriminate. Every Wednesday, 3:30 – 5 p.m.
Contact: Skagit HELPLINE: 800-273-8255 Contact: Anacortes: 360-416-7595, Swinomish Fidalgo/Burrows Room, Island Hospital
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK or Indian Health Clinic: 360-466-3900 Contact: Doug, 360-202-1699
800-SUICIDE SEniorS Kidney
Lifeline Meets Quarterly
Anacortes Senior Activity Center
Lifeline is an easy-to-use personal response system 1701 22nd St., Anacortes
that allows older adults living at home to get quick Contact: 360-293-7473
assistance whenever it is needed. Participants press
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