Page 18 - Island hospital Heartbeats_Winter2018
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Resources & Support Groups

      NAMI Mental Health                     CAnCEr SuPPort                        meetings involve sharing, educational segments
      4th Thursday, 7 – 9 p.m.               grouPS                                and guest speakers. You do not need to be a patient
      United Methodist Church of Anacortes                                         at Island Hospital to attend.
      Contact: Virginia, 360-421-7331        Art & Healing for Cancer Patients     Call for dates
      Parkinson’s                            Cancer patients are welcome to join art therapist,   Merle Cancer Care Center Conference Room
                                                                                   Contact: Danah, 360-588-2082
      3rd Thursday, 1:30 – 3 p.m.            Margaret Carpenter Arnett BSN, ATR, to reduce   Cancer Caregiver
      Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms, Island Hospital   stress and improve emotional well-being through
      Contact: Jerry, 360-293-2185           art therapy. no artistic skills required.  A supportive space for anyone caring for someone,
      Restless Leg Syndrome                  1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 2 – 4 p.m.      or is affected by someone, living with cancer.
                                                                                   2nd Monday, 3 – 4 p.m.
                                             Merle Cancer Care Center Conference Room
      Call for dates                         Contact: Danah, 360-588-2082          Merle Cancer Care Center Conference Room
      Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms, Island Hospital                                       Contact: Danah, 360-588-2082
      Contact: Charlotte, 360-293-7328       Better Together – Supporting          Rooms and times are subject to change. Please call
                                             Women with All Cancers                contact before attending any support group. For
                                             Women with a current diagnosis of any cancer are   more information about these support groups,
                                             welcome to join a community of support. Weekly   please call 360-299-1309.

      Health Screenings

      Sponsored by the Island Hospital Foundation  and needed medications only. Your results will be
      Balance Screening                      sent to you in the mail. No appointment required.
                                             Please do not arrive prior to 7:30 a.m. Call 360-
      Our physical therapists can help determine where   299-1309 for questions.
      your body is vulnerable and help you develop strat-  When: Tuesday, April 10, 8 – 11 a.m.
      egies to prevent falls. Appointments are required.  Where: Health Resource Center
      When: Tuesday, February 20, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.  Cost: $10 (insurance may cover the cost of your
      Where: Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy at   screening)
          Island Hospital
      Cost: FREE                             Colon Cancer Screening
      Blood Pressure Checks                  Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of death
                                             from cancer in the United States, but with early
                Blood pressure indicates the health of   detection it can be treated much easier. This screen-
      BEAT IT!  your heart and blood vessels.
       Fight Heart   Untreated, elevated blood pressure   ing will provide you with a take-home stool sample
        Disease                              kit that can detect hidden blood, which can be a
                can result in stroke. Get your blood   symptom of growths within the colon. Just com-  When: Tuesday, February 27, 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
      pressure checked regularly at one of the following   plete the kit at home and return it to Anacortes   Where: Health Resource Center
      locations:                             Family Medicine. Your results will be mailed to you.   Cost: FREE
      Health Resource Center                 No appointment required, just stop by to pick up a
           Every Wednesday, 9 a.m. – noon    kit. you must be present to get a kit!    Memory Awareness Screening
      Anacortes Senior Activity Center       If you have insurance (other than Medicare or   Are you or a loved one becoming more forgetful or
           Last Tuesday of the month, 9 – 10:30 a.m.  Medicaid), please bring your insurance card. Most   maybe have started to misplace things more often?
      Bone Density Screening                 insurance plans cover a set of preventative screening   Have you become lost in a familiar place or noticed
                                                                                   a change in mood, behavior or personality? If so,
      This non-intrusive test provides an estimate of your   tests at no cost to you. We will bill your insurance so   this screening can be a first step in helping deter-
      bone density by scanning your heel. If you already   you can get credit for this screening. If your insurance   mine if you might suffer from memory loss. This
      have a diagnosis of osteoporosis confirmed by a   doesn’t cover the cost of the screening, your cost will   examination consists of a series of questions and
      more complex imaging test, this is not the screen-  be $10. Call 360-299-1309 for questions.   tasks designed to test memory, language, thinking
      ing for you. This screening is accurate for women   When: Tuesday, March 6, 9 – 11 a.m.  and other intellectual functions. Appointments are
      only. Appointments are required.       Where: Anacortes Family Medicine,     required.
      When: Tuesday, April 3, 9 – 11 a.m.           2511 M Ave. Suite B            When: Tuesday, March 20, 9 – 11 a.m.
      Where: Health Resource Center          Cost: $10 (insurance may cover the cost of your          Tuesday, May 1, 9 – 11 a.m.
      Cost: $5                                  screening)                         Where: Health Resource Center
      Cholesterol & Glucose Screening        Hearing Screening                     Cost: FREE
                This blood test determines your total   Are you having a hard time hearing as well as you   Pulmonary Function Screening
      BEAT IT!  cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglyceride and   used to? Help is available and easy once you have   If you get short of breath while getting dressed,
       Fight Heart   glucose levels, which can be indicators   confirmed hearing loss. This screening will provide
        Disease                                                                    climbing stairs or walking with a friend, or if you
                of cardiovascular disease or diabetic   you with a simple hearing test provided by Dr. Holly   have smoked for 10 years or more, this screening
      tendencies. A 12-hour fast is required with water   Kennedy of the Anacortes Hearing Center.    can help determine your lung function. You and
                                             Appointments are required.
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