Page 20 - Island hospital Heartbeats_Winter2018
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Island Hospital Foundation
New York, New York: A Night on the Town
is theme for 15th Annual Gala of Hope
ou are invited to immerse yourself in drugs are high and a burden for this depart-
Ythe excitement of New York City when ment. The clinic also needs twelve IV pumps
the Island Hospital Foundation (IHF) hosts and eleven infusion chairs. Four of the new
its 15th annual Gala of Hope on April 28. infusion pumps would be able to run pre-
New York New York: A Night on the medications concurrently to reduce infusion
Town, chaired by Reid and Ann Meyers, will times for our patients, saving up to 1.5 hours
dazzle you with the spectacular Manhattan for each treatment. You can literally help pro-
Skyline and the sights and sounds of vide our patients more precious time for life
Broadway. On this night, there’s no subway outside the clinic.
ride required to stroll through Central Park This year’s Gala will also sustain ongoing
for a sampling of Big Apple culinary delights, funding for the Mental Health Intervention Island Hospital Foundation’s
and then sit with friends to feast on a delecta- program that provides counseling, therapy 15th Annual Gala of Hope
ble dinner reminiscent of the historic and social-work services for students in New York New York:
Delmonico’s Restaurant. Anacortes schools; assistance for patients and
Just as Lady Liberty holds her torch high, families in need by offsetting costs of trans- A Night on the Town
we’ll raise our paddles to support cancer care portation, prescription co-pays, lodging, as
in our community. This year, we’re dedicating well as other treatment-related expenses April 28, 2018
the Heartstrings portion of the evening to cru- through patient-relief grants; and community
cial funding for one of our busiest clinics, the programs like the Health Resource Center and at the swinomish Casino & lodge
Merle Cancer Care Center. Over and over, we free preventative health screenings. Tickets are $150 per person and Sponsorships
hear from patients and their families that it is Please melt your little (A-)town blues and range from $1,600 - $10,000. For more infor-
a comfort to receive top-quality personal care be a part of it – New York New York! We mation contact the Foundation at (360) 299-
just minutes from home. Even with large promise you a fabulous evening as we recreate 4201 or, or
patient volumes, the costs of cancer infusion the city that never sleeps! visit
Working behind the scenes for
the 15th Annual Gala of Hope
he holds a PhD and is a national con- tains an office in San Antonio, from where
Ssultant who works in the field of they hail.
housing and social services for the home- They are Ann and Reid Meyers, co-chairs
less. Philanthropy has been her life, and with of this year’s Gala of Hope, New York, New
her recent move to Anacortes, she has also York: A Night on the Town. As they had
become involved with the homeless and chaired or participated in a good number of
disenfranchised, serving as a board member galas (a hallmark of the Southern culture),
of the Anacortes Family Center and Chair of when they heard that the Foundation was
the highly successful Anacortes Family in need of a chair for this event, “We can do
this,” they agreed, and answered the call.
Center Capital Campaign. “Our purpose in life is to help people,” she
He is an attorney whose entire career has said.
been given over to employment law. He “To give back,” he added.
retired as Senior Vice President of USAA and “And having come to this area since
has been active on several corporate and 1997, we’ve long known the importance
non-profit boards, and in the golf industry. and amazing quality of services Island
Though he claims to be retired, he practices
employment law in Anacortes and main- continued on Page 21
20 | Heartbeats | Winter 2018