Page 16 - Island hospital Heartbeats_Winter2018
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       MEditAtion                           PHySiCAL, oCCuPAtionAL  Pelvic & Bladder Health
                                            & SPEECH tHErAPy                                      Are you having a tough
                         Instructor: Jan                                                          time staying dry after
                         Hodgman MA has more   Before & After Orthopedic Surgery                  childbirth, power walking
                         than 40 years of medi-             For those planning on hav-            or even after sneezing? If
                         tation experience.                 ing a total knee or hip               so, there are physical ther-
                                                            replacement, shoulder sur-            apy interventions that can
                                                            gery or back surgery, join            help. Learn to strengthen
                                                            an occupational therapist             your pelvic floor muscles to
                                                            from Island Hospital to get           help prevent urinary leak-
                                                            answers to your questions   age from a physical therapist with Physical,
                                                                                 Occupational & Speech Therapy at Island Hospital.
       Meditation for Everyday Living                       about returning to an inde-  When: Thursday, February 22, 10 a.m. – noon
                                                            pendent lifestyle after sur-
       Meditation has been clinically proven to reduce   gery. Post-operative exercises and adaptive equip-  Where: Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms
       stress, blood pressure, anxiety and help with rest-  ment will be discussed.   Cost: $10
       ful sleep. This gentle, three-session class includes   When: Tuesday, February 13, 1 – 2:30 p.m.  Instructor: Reiko Nystrom MPT
       guided exercises, attending to what’s immediately          Tuesday, March 20, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
       present in our experience and an invitation to          Tuesday, April 10, 1 – 2:30 p.m.  SPECiAL EvEntS
       being rather than doing.                          Tuesday, May 8, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
       When: Thursdays, April 26, May 3 & 10,    Where: Fidalgo Room             6 Steps to Help High Blood Pressure
              6:30 – 8:30 p.m.              Cost: FREE                                            Join local naturopathic
       Where: Fidalgo Room                  Instructor: Pamela McNamee OT/L                       physician, Alethea Fleming
       Cost: $48                                            Improving Your                        for a discussion on what
       Instructor: Jan Hodgman MA                           Aging Memory                          you can do to help your
                                                                                                  hypertension. Practical tips
       PArEnting                                            Is your memory not quite              that you can take home
                                                            what it used to be? Join an           about food, lifestyle and
                    Childcare:                              Island Hospital speech-lan-           supplements will be cov-
         Limited free onsite childcare (ages 2-8). Childcare   guage pathologist, to learn        ered.
         requires advance registration and space is limited.   strategies and activities to   When: Wednesday, May 16, 2 – 3 p.m.
         Email Nicole Mortimer, Anacortes School District to   improve your memory and   Where: Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms
           reserve childcare:          keep your mind sharp.  Cost: FREE
                                            When: Wednesday, March 21, 1 – 2:30 p.m.  Instructor: Alethea Fleming ND
        Parenting classes are made possible by a partnership   Where: Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms
        with the Anacortes School District & Island Hospital.  Cost: $10         Stop the Bleed
                                            Instructor: Libby Lewis MA, MEd, CCC-SLP
       Love & Logic             NEW!            “Instructor was excellent”
       Parenting Class Series                     – Improving Your Aging Memory
       The Love and Logic Institute provides practical
       tools and techniques that help parents achieve   class participant
       respectful, healthy relationships with their chil-
       dren, and helps prepare their kids for the real   Osteoporosis: Exercise & Nutrition
       world. This class is intended for parents with young                      What would you do in a mass shooting event or if
       children, ages 0-8. The four-week course will                             you came upon a car accident? In large tragic events
       include a variety of topics: Week #1 Guiding Kids to                      many victims will die from uncontrolled bleeding.
       Own and Solve Their Problems, Week #2 Avoiding                            The Stop the Bleed program teaches bystanders
       Power Struggles, Week #3 Setting Limits Without                           how to stop bleeding until first responders arrive.
       Waging War, Week #4 Teaching Responsibility.                              This course will teach the correct techniques for
       When: Tuesdays, April 17 – May 8, 6 – 7:30 p.m.                           applying a tourniquet, packing a wound and how to
       Where: Whitney School, 1200 M Ave., Anacortes                             properly apply pressure dressings. Participants will
       Cost: $30/per person or $40/per couple (scholarships                      also learn how to identify certain wounds and the
          available)                        Learn what types of exercises are most beneficial   special care those wounds require. A certificate of
       Instructor: Elaine Commins, Love & Logic Trainer   for your bones and which foods will help keep your   completion will be provided at the end of the train-
                                            bones strong from an Island Hospital physical thera-  ing to participants that are able to successfully
                                            pist and registered dietician. Come prepared to try   demonstrate their ability to Stop the Bleed.
                                            some exercises you will be able to do at home.  When: Tuesday, March 27, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
                                            When: Wednesday, April 25, 1 – 3 p.m.         Thursday, March 29, 1 – 3:30 p.m.
                                            Where: Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms         Where: Fidalgo/Burrows Rooms
                                            Cost: $10                            Cost: FREE
                                            Instructors: Allison Blackwell PT, DPT & Suzie DuPuis RD  Instructors: Lisa Edwards RN & Denise Jones RN, MN
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