Page 14 - Norco Patient Orientation Handbook e-book
P. 14
It is Norco’s goal to serve you with the best in products, service, and personnel. When you have a concern or complaint,
please contact the Norco Branch Manager in your local area, or complete and return the Patient Communication Form at
the end of this booklet. The Branch Manager should see to it that your particular issue is corrected to your satisfaction as
soon as possible. Should you continue to have difficulty, please contact our Corporate Compliance Officer. Please be
assured that we at Norco value your input and want you to experience Norco “Serving You Better.”
Here is a list of agencies that promote patient satisfaction. Please contact Norco to assist you in getting your concerns
• Norco – Compliance Officer (800) 574-5885 x111108
• The Joint Commission (800) 994-6610
• Veteran’s Administration – Boise V.A. Medical Center (208) 422-1000
• Veteran’s Administration – Spokane V.A. Medical Center (509) 434-7355
• Veteran’s Administration – Portland V.A. Medical Center (503) 220-8262
• Veteran’s Administration – Seattle V.A. Medical Center (206) 762-1010
• Veteran’s Administration – Walla Walla V.A. Medical Center (509) 525-5200
A home care organization must protect and promote the rights of each client to be treated with respect and dignity. The
client or the client's representative may exercise these rights without fear of reprisal or negative outcome.
The right to be fully informed orally and in writing of the following before care is initiated:
• Services/products and equipment available
• Norco’s ownership and control
• Specific charges for services to be paid by the client and those charges covered by insurance, third-party payment
or public benefit programs
• Billing policies, payment procedures, and any changes in the information provided on admission as they occur
within 15 days from the date that Norco is made aware of change
• Names and qualifications of the personnel that will provide care and service
• Their right to participate in the service plan and/or any change in the plan before it is made
• Grievance procedures which includes contact names, phone numbers, hours of operation and how to communicate
And the right to:
• Receive service without regard to race, creed, gender, age, handicap, sexual orientation, veteran status or lifestyle
• Receive service without regard to whether or not any advance directive has been executed
• Make informed decisions about service and treatment plans and to receiving information in a way that is
• Be notified in advance of treatment options, transfers, when and why care will be discontinued
• Receive and access services consistently and in a timely manner
• Education, instructions, and requirements for continuing care when services are discontinued
• Receive disclosure information regarding any beneficial relationships Norco has that may result in profit for the
referring organization
• Be referred to another provider organization if Norco is unable to meet the client's needs or if the client is not
satisfied with the care they are receiving
• Voice grievances regarding treatment, care or respect for property that is or fails to be furnished by anyone
providing services on behalf of Norco without reprisal for doing so
• Be advised of the availability, purpose and appropriate use of State, Medicare and Accreditor Hotline numbers
• Refuse treatment and be informed of potential results and/or risks
• Be free from any mental, physical abuse, neglect or exploitation of any kind by Norco staff
• Have the client's property treated with respect
• Confidentiality of the client's health information records and Norco's policy for accessing / disclosure of records