Page 16 - Norco Patient Orientation Handbook e-book
P. 16
Assignment versus Non-assigned
Assignment- This means Norco will file a claim to Medicare and payment goes directly to Norco. For
example, your primary insurance will pay Norco 80% of the allowed amount for a particular item. You
or your co-insurance company will be responsible for the remaining 20% of the allowed amount.
Non-Assigned: Norco will file a claim to your primary insurance and the notice of payment will go
directly to you. You will be responsible for 100% of the total bill. Regardless of whether your
insurance’s criteria is met, Norco may not accept assignment for some items. We emphasize that notice
of payment or denial will go directly to you.
Capped Rentals versus Purchase
Insurance defines equipment as being either a capped rental or an inexpensive or routinely purchased item.
Capped Rental Items- Insurance will pay a monthly rental fee for a period not to exceed 13 months after
which ownership of the equipment becomes the beneficiaries. Examples of this type of equipment include;
hospital beds, wheelchairs, continuous airway pressure (CPAP) devices, nebulizers, etc.
Examples of inexpensive or routinely purchased equipment include canes, PAP supplies, walkers, wheelchair
cushions, etc.
Billing Rights and Obligations
Many insurance plans do not cover the entire cost; therefore, Norco makes every effort to verify you are billed
correctly. Please provide us a copy of your current insurance card to ensure accurate billing. If at any time your
insurance changes, it is your responsibility to inform us of those changes and to provide us with your new
insurance information. Many times, we cannot re-bill your insurance if you did not notify us of the change,
therefore the charges will be your responsibility.
When is payment due?
You will be required to pay for any services or equipment that are not covered by your insurance. We will
request this payment at the time of service. For your convenience, we accept personal check, cash, debit, and
credit cards. These payments may include a deductible or co-insurance amount. You may receive an additional
bill in the mail after your insurance has paid your claim. This could be for various reasons- commonly it is
because you have not yet met your deductible, or your claim was denied. Failure to pay for services for which
you are responsible for may result in your account being referred to a collection agency.
We appreciate you choosing Norco for your medical needs. We are committed to serving you better and it is our
goal to avoid any misunderstandings regarding our financial policy.
Billing statement
The next page shows an example of our billing statement. The statement reflects the status of charges that are in
part, or entirely, your responsibility. Our billing cycle starts on the 1 of one month and ends on the last day of
the month. Medicare beneficiaries who do not have a secondary plan should receive a statement by the end of
the first week of the month. If you have Medicare and a secondary insurance company, or if you have other
primary coverage, you may not receive a statement unless you receive a non-assigned item or your insurance
company does not pay your balance in full.
If you are enrolled in e-statements you have agreed to accept unencrypted email correspondences from Norco
that may contain Protected Health Information (PHI). Norco can only send information related to the customer
linked to the specific recipient’s email address. If you would like to discontinue the email option please contact
your local Norco branch. It is your responsibility to notify Norco if your email account becomes compromised,
disabled, or you change email providers. The email and attachments are intended only for the use of the
individual(s) and entity named as recipients in the message. If you are not an intended recipient of this message,
please notify the sender immediately and delete the material from your computer.