Page 26 - Dr. Axe e-book
P. 26


              When  E. coli  was  injected  into raw milk,  the  raw milk         Amasi  is  also  the  perfect  post-workout food. One

              didn’t kill it, and, in fact, bad bacteria flourished. Yogurt       16-ounce serving of amasi contains 14 grams of highly
              had a decent response and killed off the bad bacteria in            absorbable  whey  protein,  CLA, vitamin  D3,  calcium,
              four days. Amasi had an incredible response, killing off            vitamin K2, B-vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids!
              the E. coli in just two days!
                                                                                  When choosing amasi or kefir, there are some things you
              The major di!erence between yogurt and amasi was the                want to take note of. The highest quality of cultured dairy
              amount of lactic acid bacteria.  This  type  of good                is  organic,  from grass-fed  cows, low-  temperature
              bacteria, also known as probiotics and Lactobacilli, have           processed or raw, and free of a harmful protein called
              amazing effects on digestive health.                                beta-casein A1.

              If  you’ve  ever  taken  a  prescription  antibiotic  and           Cultured dairy is really an amazing superfood that has
              haven’t  spent  time building  back  up  the  good  bacteria        been  around since  biblical  times.  In  Genesis  18:8,
              in  your  body,  there’s  a  good  chance  you’re deficient.        Abraham served cultured dairy and pasture-fed beef to
              Also, fluoride and chlorine can kill off probiotics, so, if         two angels! If you want to have a long and blessed life,
              you drink tap water or swim in a chlorinated pool, you’re           you may want to follow the lead of Father Abraham and
              also probably probiotic deficient.                                  serve some cultured dairy at your next dinner party.

                        Improve                          Reduce                           Promote                           Boost
                        digestion                     inflammation                       weight loss                      immunity
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