Page 23 - Dr. Axe e-book
P. 23
What’s more precious than gold, silver, and
diamonds? Water! But, do you know what’s in your
water? Most people don’t want to know, but I’ll tell
you anyway! The Environmental Working Group
(EWG) found 316 different chemicals in tap water
throughout the country. Patricia Hunt, professor at
Washington State University explains: “Birth control
pills, hormone therapy medications, and a host of
contaminants can all get into our water supply, and Birth control pills, hormone
we haven’t figured out a way to affordably filter them therapy medications, and a
out.” host of contaminants can all
get into our water supply,
Unfortunately, bottled water isn’t much better. The
National Resources Defense Council estimates that and we haven’t figured out a
at least 25% of bottled water is really just tap water. way to affordably filter
The EWG found the top 10 brands of bottled water them out.
contain 38 toxic pollutants. The common chemicals
found are arsenic, fertilizers, heavy metals, industrial
solvents and pharmaceutical drugs.