Page 28 - Dr. Axe e-book
P. 28


                Chia is super high in fiber, providing nearly 11 grams per           Flax seed are similar, rich in omega-3 and antioxidants.

                ounce. One  serving  can provide  the  recommended fiber             A study done at Duke University suggests that flax seeds
                intake for  the  day, according  to the  American  Dietetic          may  stunt  tumor growth  and  support  the  body in
                Association.  Fiber  is  essential  for  your  body’s  ability  to   detoxification. It’s high in fiber and low in carbs, making
                detoxify. According  to the  National  Institute  of Health,         it great for dieters who want to feel full for longer. High in
                seeds such as  flax and chia can be a natural laxative due           B  vitamins,  magnesium  and  manganese,  these  tiny
                to their  high fiber content and healthy fats.                       seeds counter inflammation, a key contributor to arthritis
                                                                                     and  other debilitating  diseases.  Sprinkle  it  on cultured

                Chia seeds are high in linoleic acid, a fatty acid which helps       dairy with berries, and enjoy!
                the  body absorb  fat-soluble  vitamins  A, D,  E  and  K.  It
                contains  calcium  and boron, which enables  the  body to
                absorb it, and has more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon.                Omega-3s                    Natural Laxative
                It can absorb up to 12 times its own weight in water!

                                                                                         Vitamins A, D, K                      Fiber

                                                                                         Antioxidants                    Ca           B
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