Page 38 - Dr. Axe e-book
P. 38



               I recently started a club called the Avocado-Team. To                 Many people avoid avocados, seeing them as a
               join, all you have to do is eat an Avocado a day. The                 high-calorie, high-fat food. That’s a big mistake,
               A-Team is strictly for those who aspire to earn the                   because healthy fat is essential for anti-aging.
               title of Centurion!                                                   According to the Archives of Medical Research, the
                                                                                     fatty acids from avocado actually increase good
               Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death in                    HDL cholesterol levels and help protect cells from
               America today, yet eating superfoods, such as                         damaging free radicals.
               avocados, is a painless way to reduce the risk of

               heart disease and to slow aging dramatically. Not                     Avocados also contain carotenoids which provide
               only do avocados have 20 essential nutrients, but                     vitamin A for eye health, boost the immune system
               they’re known as “nutrient boosters,” as they help the                and support a healthy reproductive system. The
               body absorb other fat-soluble nutrients as well. By                   unique make up of these superfoods helps the body
               adding a slice of avocado to a meal, your body is able                fight inflammation and reduce the risk of arthritis;
               to digest more nutrients from other foods.                            there’s no better way to slow the aging process. As
                                                                                     we on the A-Team say, an Avocado a day will keep

               Key nutrients in avocados help hydrate your cells,                    age away!
               keeping your skin soft and young. Avocados are rich
               in B vitamins, vitamin K, vitamin E (which gives your
               skin moisture), and have 35% more potassium than a
               banana, which helps hydrate your skin. Also, with high
               levels of omega-9 fats, avocados can help naturally
               balance hormones!
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