Page 39 - Dr. Axe e-book
P. 39
For centuries, garlic has been used to fight off the
top two killers in America today: cancer and heart
disease. Like a captain of an army, garlic has the
power to kill dangerous viruses, bacteria, parasites,
and cancer cells, according to the University of
Maryland Medical Center.
For men, garlic has been shown to help prevent an
enlarged prostate, and, for both men and women, it’s
great for killing off yeast infections such as Candida.
Garlic is antibacterial, antimicrobial, Garlic acts as a fuel for probiotics as well as
anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulant, antiseptic and supporting a strong immune system to ward off
anti-fungal, and those are all good things to be! colds, flu and other more serious infections. To kill off
a cold fast, I recommend consuming 2 cloves of raw
garlic 3x a day bitten once and swallowed whole or
Use three cloves of garlic when preparing a
family-sized dish, which is a sneaky way to get mixed in food. If you don’t want to share garlicky
everyone their vitamin C, B6 and manganese. If you breath, chew parsley, chewing gum, peppermint or a
don’t want to mess about peeling and crushing these piece of dark chocolate to negate the powerful scent.
pungent cloves, add it to your cooking as a rub, powder
or extract. Raw garlic is even more beneficial, so be Garlic is a valuable source of antioxidants which
adventurous. Add garlic to hummus, salsa, guacamole, protect cells, particularly skin cells, from free
or yogurt to bring on additional health benefits. radical damage, making it important in slowing
down the aging process Antioxidants protect
against pollutants and fight off toxins that can
harm our immune system.