Page 51 - Dr. Axe e-book
P. 51


             Build Muscle

                                                                                                                 Note: Along with
             Meal Plan                                                                                           following the eating

                                                                                                                 plan, Weight Train

              MORNING                                        4 Grass-fed Hot Dogs with 1 oz Raw                  3-6x a week and do
              4 Eggs, 1 oz  Raw Cheddar with 1 cup           Cheese, Brown Rice, and Vegetables                  minimal cardio.

              of Quinoa                                      6oz Organic Sliced Turkey on
              32 oz Berry Banana Smoothie with               Sprouted Bread with Superfood Salad
              Coconut Milk and Protein Powder
              GF Pancakes made with 3 Eggs, GF               AFTERNOON
              Flour, Pumpkin, Blueberries and                2oz Raw Cheese on Flax Crackers
              topped with Pure Maple Syrup and               1/3 cup Almond Butter with Apple                WEIGHT TRAINING
              Almond Butter                                  Super Muscle Shake                              Sessions should last 30-60 minutes.

              Cream of Brown Rice, 4 oz Cultured             Grass-fed Beef Jerky                            15-30  different  exercises  and  8-10
              Dairy, 1/4 cup Almond Butter and                                                               reps  for  upper  body,  legs  should
              Protein Powder 2 GF Breakfast                  DINNER                                          be  10-15 reps.
              Burritos                                       Grass-fed Burger (1 tsp. Turmeric in
                                                             mix), Raw Cheddar, Quinoa and                   Also, I superset most days doing two
              MID-MORNING                                    Broccoli GF Chicken Tenders with 1              exercises in a row like pull-ups and
               Super Muscle Shake                                                                            push-ups to save time.
                                                             cup Beans and Mixed Vegetables
                                                             Grass-fed Hot dogs with 1 Sweet
               LUNCH                                                                                         Cardio, do 1 -20 minutes of burst
                                                             Potato and Spinach Salmon Patties
               8oz Grass-Fed Stir Fry (1 tsp                 with Big Salad with 1 tsp Turmeric              training at the end of weight training
               Turmeric), 1 cup Quinoa 2 Chicken             Turkey Burger on Sprouted Bread                 workouts or on off days.
               Breasts, Sweet Potato, and Salad              with Mashed Faux-Tatoes
               8oz Venison with 1 cup Kidney Beans                                                           POST-WORKOUT
               and 1 cup Brown Rice                                                                          Super Muscle Shake
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