Page 46 - Dr. Axe e-book
P. 46
Almonds Both nitric oxide and creatine have been used in the
body-building world for years to gain strength and muscle.
As well as being tasty and nutritious, a handful of As a precursor to nitric oxide, arginine may increase blood
almonds can give huge muscle building benefits. They flow that can aid in endurance and muscle building.
are thought to decrease the risk of diabetes, heart
disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer, and who doesn’t want Research published in the Journal of Clinical
to reduce those? These little nuts can lower bad LDL Endocrinology and Metabolism found that arginine
cholesterol and raise good HDL cholesterol levels. stimulates the secretion of growth hormone. Growth
Almonds are high in fiber and minerals and are a great hormone is known to be anabolic which means “to build
snack for those looking to increase muscle and burn up.” Growth hormone helps mineralize bone, build muscle,
fat. stimulate immune system, and increase protein synthesis.
Growth hormone is not healthy when taken as a drug, shot,
Almonds contain 12 amino acids that aid in muscle or if received in non-food sources. However, natural foods
building and contain high levels of the amino acid that can increase GH can be beneficial.
arginine. Arginine is the immediate precursor of nitric
oxide and is necessary for creatine production. Almonds are nutritionally dense and are an abundant
source of monounsaturated fats that the body needs. They
are high in calories and good for body building. Purdue
University researchers found that calories from almonds
do not appear to contribute to weight gain, since they are
not absorbed like other fatty foods. Research published by
Experimental Biology also found that eating almonds with
a meal high in carbs actually blocked the digestion of the
carbs and helped control blood sugar levels.
I recommend consuming ½ - 1 cup of almonds daily or 2-6
Tbsp of almond butter daily for muscle-building benefits.