Page 45 - Dr. Axe e-book
P. 45
Grass-fed beef and dairy
It’s time to “green up” and I’m not just talking about
eating more green leaves! I’m talking about grass-fed B12 Zn Loaded with Iron
beef! If you want to build muscle, grass-fed beef raised
on pastures free of pesticides and fertilizers, are an
essential superfood for body-building needs. High in Protein Se P
Cattle raised naturally on green grass, rather than I also highly suggest you drink grass-fed dairy, such as
grain–fed cattle, produce beef without the problems kefir, or raw milk. Grass-fed dairy contains high amounts
associated with antibiotics, pesticides and hormone of whey which is a protein your body can quickly utilize
residues. Cows are natural herbivores, designed to live and turn into muscle. Research published in the
on grass, not to be force-fed grains and animal products, International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise
as encouraged by the Department of Agriculture. Metabolism found that men who supplemented with
whey protein increased lean muscle mass and strength
A four ounce tenderloin of beef from naturally raised during resistance training.
grass-fed cattle will have 112% of the daily requirements
of tryptophan, 64% of your daily protein needs and I warn you, however, NOT to consume most whey protein
should be considered 240 calories well spent! Grass-fed powders. I’d guess that 90% of protein powders on the
beef has more zinc and B-12 than grain fed cattle, has market come from denatured proteins (called hydrolyzed
less total fat (where toxins are stored), and more protein on the label), which can damage your digestive
omega-3 fatty acids. It also has higher levels of vitamins system. I recommend you stick with whey in its food form.
A and E, more antioxidants, and higher levels of When you’re buying beef and dairy, think green every time!
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which supports healthy Look for labels that say 100% grass-fed to get the most
muscle tissue. muscle-building and fat-burning effects.