Page 61 - Dr. Axe e-book
P. 61


                Avocado Mousse                                                            Coconut Macaroons
                  DESSERT                                                                    DESSERT

                •  1/2 c. Medjool Dates (soak in cold water, 2-3 hours)                   •  6 Egg Whites
                •  1/2 c. Maple Syrup                                                     •  1/4 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt 1/2 cup Raw Honey
                •  tsp. Vanilla Extract                                                   •  1 tbsp. Vanilla Extract
                •  c. Mashed Avocado (about 3 Avocados)                                   •  3 cups Unsweetened Coconut
                •  3/4 c. Organic Cocoa or Carob Powder
                •  1/2 c. Water                                                           In mixing bowl, whisk Eggs, Sea Salt,

                                                                                          Raw Honey, Vanilla and Coconut.
                Blend or process dates, maple syrup and vanilla until                     Spoon batter onto parchment paper on cookie
                smooth. Add mashed Avocado and cocoa powder. Add                          sheet. Bake and 350 degrees for 10 to 15 mins
                water and process until smooth. Serve chilled.                            until lightly browned.
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